Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

What’s impressive about this thread is that Sabo isn’t trolling at all.

He clearly believes in the retarded shit that Microbet is trying to translate but it’s rustling the jimmies better than any troll could ever do.


Well, the fools all squeezed into their clown care, drove on over to the Bad Posters thread, and commenced the whining about two much trolling ITT. SMH. Anyway, since the decides to go all Meta on us… I figured it would be in order to bring some statistics to the table.

I scored the first 100 posts ITT. There were 15 posts that were IMO trolling, presumptive trolling, dishonest, or spam.inappropriate posts among the first century of posts. Note: I stipulated all my posts as trolling.

Post #4. Trolling.

Post #7 Trolling.

Post #8. Presumptive trolling.

Post #10: Dishonest.

Post #15: Spam.

Post #22: Trolling.

Post #25:

Trolling.[quote=“Sabo, post:30, topic:1424”]
I agree 100%.

The person-ability of the landlord, or equivalently the orders of more common situation regarding the employees of the landlord or their property management company, are simply not relevant to the discussion at hand. This extends to any and all anecdotal stories about how “Old Mrs Johnson let me pay a week late when my husband died”/etc. That shiz makes me want to throw up.

Everyone should take this kinda crapola to another thread.


Post #30: Trolling.

Post #60: Trolling.

Post #66: Dishonest.

Post #71: Dishonest.

Post #81 Trolling.

Post #85: Trolling.

Post #96: Spam.

Landlords don’t pay property taxes. When they let their properties, they pass their tax burdens on to their renters. When they do not let their properties, they’re not landlords.

I’ll accept your apology in the form of pieces of your soul, preferably in small Crown Royal bags just leave them with the doorman.

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Yeah, this is more likely a common confusion.

  • Literally the landlords write the checks.
  • Of course, the tenants fund those checks through their rent.
  • But in the sense that A.Smith and D.Ricardo used, as landlords can’t raise the rent when they are taxed, the tax always “falls” on the landlord.

So it’s true/false/true depending.

I’ve been saying this forever when it comes to suggestions for jacking up corporate taxes but it falls on deaf ears.

You’re all correct. When property taxes go up, rent goes up.

He could learn to code, does he really need to go to Starbacks, he should have saved some money.

Milwaukee… Sabo the dog really, really, really wanted me to take him there on June 10th to see his Padres. It wasn’t going to happen even before the pandemic. I’ve never been to WI, but I hear it’s a renters paradise.

…With the detailed Milwaukee data, the researchers find that an increase of 10 percentage points in neighborhood poverty increases the rate of housing exploitation by more than 2 percentage points overall …

In Milwaukee, the profit differential is even greater, with landlords in poor neighborhoods raking in $319 per month, more than double the profit ($174 per month) of landlords with properties in non-poor neighborhoods…

Nationwide, median rents in poor neighborhoods are $511 per month, compared to $674 in non-poor neighborhoods. In Milwaukee, the gap is much narrower: $600 in poor areas versus $650 in non-poor areas…

In Milwaukee, the profit differential is even greater, with landlords in poor neighborhoods raking in $319 per month, more than double the profit ($174 per month) of landlords with properties in non-poor neighborhoods…

In Milwaukee, landlords again do even better, taking home about $150 per month, compared to roughly $20 a month in non-poor neighborhoods…

Those are whopping margins, and the reason for this discrepancy is that rental markets have very different dynamics in expensive cities like New York and San Francisco than less expensive cities like Milwaukee. In low-cost cities, landlord profit rates rise steeply alongside neighborhood poverty. But in expensive cities, the reverse is true. In expensive cities, landlords make money through appreciation and gentrification (which is bad enough for the poor). In lower-cost, more economically hard-hit cities, they make it on the backs of the poor.


Didn’t you vote for a Presidential candidate who fits this description perfectly?

Or do you speak Gibberese?


I will donate $300 either to them or directly to you if you need it. Let me know your preference and we can work out details. PM if you prefer.


PM me info on how I can send. Hopefully PayPal as that would be the easiest for me but if not we can figure something else. And trust me I’ve been in tough spots myself a few times over the years.

Well, this gets back into the horrible rules suggestions, but I think this, like pretty much everything else should be just do it and see if anyone complains.

No one will complain. I don’t even think ******** is that big of an asshole.

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What is it that you would like your landlord to do to make you feel you are not being unfairly manipulated?


In 1844 Marx wrote “Rent of Land”, talking about how landlords are more or less vampires on society, taking a percentage of all value created on their land simply for owning it.

However, as you can see if you read it, it is more or less just quoting Adam Smith and agreeing with him, with minor squabbles. One of the large motivations for Adam Smith writing The Wealth of Nations was to convince people to try to move capital away from the unproductive landlords (who at that time were mostly comprised of very wealthy landed English gentry) into the hands of entrepreneurs and workers. He noticed two things about landlords, first, as he puts it “The landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for the natural produce of the earth.”

I’d agree to support Georgism if the Marxists agree to support the rest of Adam Smith’s free market economic theories.

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All the Communists in the world? Like the entire populations of China, Vietnam, North Korea. Cuba, and maybe some other hell-holes I’m forgetting right now -vs- you as one person individually saying, but doing nothing other than just saying, that they support something almost nobody has heard of in over 100 years?

Good luck with that.

Such as ?