Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time


You anchored your boat to Sabo in this thread. Whatever crazy spur of the moment idea he came up with you vouched for it. Why would I argue with the cheerleader when I feel sorry for Sabo spending so many words failing to convince his audience.

Seriously the biggest crime in this thread is that the so called leftist anti landlord people are making inso look really good.

Like I think some ‘seize the means’ leftists are unaware that it’s been tried repeatedly and is literally always a disaster. There’s a better way that has also been tried, and it’s to tax the means and use that money on public services. Works massively better.

Right wing people LOVE threads like this because they can then take idiots like these and use them to paint me as being the same… which is why I resent the shit out of you people. You’re literally setting the entire world back with your awful drivel. Every time you guys manage to blow up a country with your totalitarian populist idiocy it makes it that much harder for me to get nordic style social democracy going.

@jmakin I hope it’s obvious that I’m mostly ranting at the same people as you. You’re fine lol.


South Africa massive rent strikes 1980s to end Apartheid and gain ownership of housing by the tenants.[12][13] The government sent in troops in Soweto in 1987.[14] “Residents of some public housing have not paid their rents in several years, and in many cases officials have stopped trying to collect and have turned ownership over to tenants. In Soweto, for instance, Government officials say at least 50,000 rental units have been given to tenants.

On 14 June 2017, a fire broke out in the 24-storey Grenfell Tower block of flats in North Kensington, West London, at 00:54 BST; it caused 72 deaths, including those of two victims who later died in hospital. More than 70 others were injured and 223 people escaped. It was the deadliest structural fire in the United Kingdom since the 1988 Piper Alpha disaster and the worst UK residential fire since the Second World War.

Liberals… SMH.

So it seemed to me, I mean I have you down as one of the people who took one or two shots at a moratorium extension, but kept hitting landlordism generally.

Nah, you don’t.

What do you see the range of results that Rent Strike 2020 has, and which of those results are you characterizing as a disaster?

Would you characterize this result as a disaster?

The landlords refuse to collectively bargain, they insist on all back rent, then do mass evictions. Almost 10% of renting families are cruelly and gratuitously reduced to homelessness.

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha… it’s all worth it then.

You literally believe that RWNJs actually read this tiny little forum of x-poker players, and these same RWNJs care about your IRL reputation, and that’s why, by way of elbow-chairs-pajama-turip-koala-ruby action, they are ruining your life. And this makes you feel all resentful inside.

It’s always the concern trolling. Always the concern trolling. SMH.

Intentional ‘strawman’ !!!1!
Cite -or- well, I guess just keep on trolling.

Yes, this is bad faith.

  • I don’t have a “his world”. Assuming somebody has a “his world”, and further assuming something about this alleged “his world” … that’s bad faith squared.

  • It’s bad faith because I’ve stated several times that I don’t have a “his world”.

  • And it’s bad faith because I’m right here. If you, for whatever reasons, forgot that didn’t have a “his world”, you could have just asked me. Instead you trolled.

IME ACers/right-libertarians will almost always come around to the idea that it doesn’t make sense for some things to be ownable/tradable.

almost always :stuck_out_tongue:

In short, we must face the fact that the purely free society will have a flourishing free market in children. Superficially, this sounds monstrous and inhuman. But closer thought will reveal the superior humanism of such a market.


Yes, roof roads and children for sale are both ridiculous and at least one person has argued for them.

to be clear I’m not trying to make a point or anything. I just happened to be looking for the old 2+2 thread with the link to that article yesterday, so I had the article handy (but I couldn’t find the thread… my skills are weak) and couldn’t resist.

Cancel Rent – in The Atlantic, of all places. Some stats in here I had been curious about:

On May Day, she and millions of other Americans failed to make payments to their landlord in full and on time. One-third of renters failed to do so in April, when the economy was stronger.

In the past month, organizers in New York, Philadelphia, the Bay Area, and elsewhere have coordinated what is likely the biggest rent strike in American history: Nearly 200,000 tenants have stopped paying rent and are voicing their demands for rent forgiveness to landlords, politicians, and the media.

(Though, as one might expect, the author is not calling for abolishing landlords…)

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Well, the OP didn’t mention abolishing landlords either. AFAIK nobody has mentioned abolishing landlords ITT. But here we are.

Of course, the thread is entitled “Abolishing landlords”… what are we to make of that? Well all the trolls could have simply asked to OP to clarify. But that hasn’t happened yet either.

Or, we could all take a (metaphorical) step back, a deep breath, and try act like adults. Let’s consider this scenario…

A liberal makes an OP about about the news of a significant increase in food stamp budgeting. An increase that will surely save at risk folks for serious health issues, including untimely death. The OP mentions nothing about this increase in funding “Ending Poverty”. The same liberal titles his thread “End Poverty ~ It’s about time”.

I’m going to humbly submit that “Abolish Landlords” was simply and only headline hyperbole, just as “End Poverty” is in my hypothetical, and this thread is properly considered to be about Rent Strike 2020, just as my hypothetical is about food stamp funding.

Hope this helps everyone.

It’s hilarious how much some people get mad based on sabo’s posting and I’m kinda dumbfounded on why they are so mad lol


I do think of the thread title as part of the OP (at least as long as it was written by the OP, and I think it was). But sure, I take your point about hyperbole, in general.

That said, it’s really not that clear to me that the sentiment in the title was purely hyberbolic in relation to a generally anti-capitalist view, or where exactly your position against landlordism allows for the existence of landlords. I don’t want to strawperson anyone, nor insist that you hold to some more extreme version of a position than you really do, so it’s fine with me if we take the title as hyperbole. The last sentences are just me disclaiming that I don’t feel too guilty if I’ve misunderstood a little bit.

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Well, what did the OP say when somebody asked him?

I’m going to submit that abolishing landlords & ending poverty are both aspiration goals. I’m going to submit that rent strikes & food stamp funding are both actions that further these inspirational goals. I’m going to submit that any reasonable reading would say this: a particular rent strike, and a particular funding announcement, are what the OPs, real and imagined, intended their threads to be about.

And… I’m going to submit that “In your fantasy Communist paradise, what happens when somebody can’t pay the rent” & “In your fantasy Communist paradise, what happens when somebody can’t pay for food” are both trolling.

Like I said, they strongly feel that it ‘should be’ beyond trivial to completely shut out all talk of any alternative. A lot of the anger is based on discomfort at it not being nearly as easy as they thought.


I have no idea what he’s even trying to say 90% of the time, not sure I could get mad at him if I wanted to.


Yeah, I feel the same cousin. :couple:

It seems like you should be able to understand it because it appears to be English, but it is in fact just gibberish.