Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

Continuing on with our discussion the habits of bad faith posters…

Back to our discussion re: RoofRodz™, contrary to what was chatted up thread. RoofRodz™ weren’t part of ACer dogma, so to speak. Instead they were independently ‘created’ by multiple ACers at different times. And we’ll never know, because the ACers were indeed dumb as rocks, but they had to have had at least a ‘spidey sense’ of how ridiculous they sounded, as they never brought them up by themselves.

What ‘creates’ RoofRodz™ is this: when you tear a hole in fabric of logic itself, one or more other holes are necessarily torn open too. That’s why proof by contradiction works. If A is true then B is true, well LOL @ B being true, so QED LOL @ A being true too. At least that’s how it’s supposed to work.

Sadly for the ACers their “A” was the “free” market itself, and their “B” was that, barring govmint interference, competition will always prevail. Sadly for the ACers a street grid trivially demonstrates that “B” is false. This put them in a tough spot. Their only out logically, using that term very loosely, was to deny that “B” is false. This is the 2nd hole in the fabric of logic.

Now, these 2nd holes can end up being torn in surprising places. Some claimed the “free” market would ‘solve’ the ‘scarcity’ of geometry. One ACer went with TunnelRodz™, which sounds way more cooler than RoofRodz™. Several went with the “free” market would ‘solve’ the ‘scarcity’ of jet-packs y/o helicopters.

And several went with RoofRodz™.

I was making fun of the fact that the first troll in this most trollish of threads was completely 180 degrees wrong about everything and farting out his face.

I also make fun of the complete idiot-ass fools who :heart: that #1 troll, I mean you gotta be a fool to troll like that… and you gotta be a 100x bigger fool to :heart: a mega troll like that. And that’s you… the complete idiot-ass fool.

Yes, you are really good at dishing out the negativity and stupidity… I just thought I’d return the favor for once, just so you can experience what it’s like on the other side.

Do you like being treated like you treat others?

ETA: Wait… you posted several competely content free “herp derp” posts ITT. Why are you such a despicable troll? I think I’ll do this, I’ll count up the number of times you mindlessly trolled ITT, double it, and post, and as a favor return post a “herp derp” back right at you going forward. How about that idea, fool?

Do you like being treated like you treat others?

ETA: herp derp

Do you like being treated like you treat others?

herp derp

Do you like being treated like you treat others?

herp derp

Do you like being treated like you treat others?

ETA: You still got 35 more posts of karma coming up…

Do you like being treated like you treat others?

To clarify, it’s not a bother. So… feel free to keep you promise of never trolling me again (TYVM BTW !!!1!). And I’ll keep on keeping on calling you a fool when you post foolishness.

Sounds line a win-win to me !!!1!

But, since you have now promised never to troll me again, I’ll give a honest and personal answer.

Q: Who would pay rent when they don’t have to?
A: My gf.

JQ: I can’t pay my rent, and I don’t know how I’m going buy food next month. I’m worried about the poor, poor landlord !!!1!
… Sabo: Remember that $350 you borrowed from me a couple of years ago?
JQ: Yep.
… Sabo: Do you got it now?
JQ: Yep.
… Sabo: I’ll be over to pick it up directly.

Stfu and don’t @ me you windbag

Fuck off and eat a rock.

This thread was split off from another and I dont even remember the original context of that post you’re tilting windmills at. Get a grip. Holy shit. That’s super sad.

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The context is this:

OP makes an OP.
@simplicitus trolls on post #7.
You :heart:'d the troll.

Herp derp

Haven’t even read this thread since its creation. You seem like the one trolling by @ing me for a like I made 1700 posts ago you fucking moron. I read the last half dozen posts or so and you come off as just a pure fountain of gibberish.

Herp derp indeed. I’ll like that post 10,000 more times if this is the nonsense it was responding to.

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So you :heart:'d the troll without even reading the thread? Reminder: the troll’s post was post #7, so it’s not like that would have been a lot of reading.

Again - you realize this thread was split off from another one, like most threads here right? It’s not even entirely clear what he’s fucking responding to. Looking back and I’m not even sure.

Like, do you want an apology? You seem super sensitive, unstable, and like you got your fee fee’s hurt. It’s ok man. We’re all in this together. Your tears can make us all stronger.

That’s not correct. There was splitting/moving/etc done later.

This is not even slightly relevant. You :heart:'d a post that read, if full: “herp derp”. There is no context. That was trolling, You :heart:'d it. That’s it.

LOL no. I love it when strangers write fan fiction about me. Tell me, what am I going to have for breakfast this morning? I’m literally chuckling quietly while typing LOL.

No, you have nothing I want.

Then feel free to fuck off. You are a pathetic individual.

Right back @ you, troll :heart:er. Eat a rock.

You have 25% of the posts in this thread, many of them blatant trolling like in the one you pathetically @‘ed 4 people who liked a post a month ago. Like holy crap man talk about pot kettle etc.

Maybe go for a walk or something, this clearly isnt the right place for your mental health. I can’t imagine how sad of a person I’d have to be to @ people 1700 posts later who cant even remember the original context of the post. From a thread that was split off LOL.

Good luck man, keep on keeping on. I’m out of this dumpster fire, you can have it. Fucking moron.

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Can you at least point out some other troll posts so I can like those too?

Ffs you even made me like an inso post

Let’s say it’s sportsball. Some fool predicts that the AAF would become bigger than the NFL. Me & you are the only bigger fools who :heart:'d that post. After the AAF collapses, it’s pointed out that the fool was indeed a fool, and that we were bigger fools for :heart:ing that fool.

I’d keep a low profile in this hypothetical. I certainly wouldn’t respond.

More fan fiction. I love it !!!1!

After an unremarkable breakfast, I violated my state’s stay at home orders, and went for a walk. I rationalized this by saying to myself: “Home clearly isn’t the right place for my mental health”. But my happy mood at home evaporated as my illicit walk continued, and I found myself plunged into a state of unimaginable sadness. Because… (fan fiction to be continued).

See ya !!!1! [two minutes later…]

LOL no. Find your own damn troll posts to :heart: you lazy ass troll :heart:er. SMH.

How can I miss you if you won’t go away !!!1!

So… I can induce you to do stupid things by taunting you. Looks like I got a new hobby.

ETA: Do more fan fiction !!!1! I’m dying to know why I got the sads.

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