Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

How about Unstuck brand “This House on Rent Strike” banners. Us freeholders trivial qualify… kinda like doing the General Strike on your day off.

You’d need a time machine too. This was 65 years ago.

Pandemic is not a great time for orchestrating this, but if there is sufficient interest, Kroshopkin.com will try to produce these at cost.

I won’t be hanging one though. I think I mentioned my landlady, my M-in-law, is pretty awesome.

Uh, it’s the largest rent strike in US history, and that’s because of the pandemic. If not now… when. If not here… where. Let me know how I can help. I’m going to run the idea by the SD GMB too, so maybe los dos.

Also… did you ever get the tiny sewing machine?

No. Ordered and paid for and never received.

I don’t think we’ll get many takers on the banner, but tonight/tomorrow I’ll see if I can find an open cooperative banner making business.

Yeah, I figure as long as we are being hectored to google other peeps shiz for them, I might as well ask some return Qs of my own… so they can google my shiz for me. Only sounds fair.

I got some sportsball Qs too.

Fools: “In your fantasy Communist paradise, what happens if four cars pull up to a 4-way stop sign at exactly the same time? Huh?”

Me: “Sure, I’ll goggle the vehicle code for you, if you can explain what happens if both managers refuse to name their starting lineup unless the other manager does first”.

OK, I’ll try to answer this one like I was a 5yo. And yes, the Q was directed @microbet. But it’s an interwebs forum. There’s no reason I cannot answer the Q as if it is directed at me. So here goes…

  • Skipping “and anyways”.
  • Then we start right out with an “If”.
  • Then we get the first half of our X. I believe “the latter” refers here to “Obviously the renter stopping paying of rent, permanently occupying the home and doing maintenance and paying taxes then owning it eventually”. But, I’d hate to be accused of inadvertently ‘strawman’, so I’ll ask this as a clarifying Q: is this what “the latter” refers here to?
  • Then we get the second half of our X. I believe “is allowed” here means “is legal”. But, I’d hate to be accused of inadvertently ‘strawman’, so I’ll ask this as a clarifying Q: is that what “is allowed” here means?
  • Then we have the inevitable “then”
  • Then we finish off with our Y: “why not just allow the former”.


Q: If X then Y. IYO what is X?
A: I’m not a lawbro. My WAG is “false”.

Follow up Q for @anon10396289: IYO what is X?

And the fools say I never answer any Qs. LMFAO !!!1!

As you said, the question was for microbet. I’m sure he knows what I mean, and if he doesn’t and wants to discuss it he can.

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You are correct.

But I can still ask you a Q too. If you don’t know what I mean, I’ll be happy to A clarifying Qs. We can discuss it if you want. So…

If X then Y. IYO what is X?

I’d hate for peeps to say you don’t answer Qs

What I’ve written is perfectly clear. I think you understand the points I’ve been making. If you want to address anything I’ve written then do it. I think you’re being deliberately obtuse though so I’m not interested in engaging you.

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Continuing on with our discussion of the habits of bad faith posters…

Their goal isn’t to logically go a->b->c.

They are trolls. Their interwebs win is dishonestly being disruptive. So it shouldn’t be any surprise, that if you try to do something as simple minded as applying symbolic logic to their posts… it all dissolves, well it doesn’t dissolve… it’s still just gibberish. If course, like always with dishonest trolls, it’s all form (or malform) and naw content. which means you can mad-lib these clowns, until… well, you get tired of mad-lib-ing these clowns.

If (A) is cool, why isn’t (B) cool?

picking your nose / picking your friend’s nose
taking a pee / peeing the bed
trolling a thread / telling a troll to fuck off

So I’m a clown and a troll and a fool? And you wonder why people get sick of you. Fuck off. I don’t have anyone on ignore but don’t bother replying to me because I’m never replying to you again.


I can be more direct: You are trolling. That’s a dishonest troll Q. But I’ll play along.

You expressed above that you were asking @microbet’s opinions. Without being pedantic, a plain reading to me is you are asking his opinion on the truth value of X. If that is not the case, then I am completely and genuinely confused.

So I’d like to politely, and honestly, ask if you could please clarify this for me?


This thread is kinda like Covid-19 itself…

  • May 1: Rent Strike 2020 is now the biggest rent strike in US history.
  • May 4: And the momentum is still building !!!1!

Wasn’t this thread originally a tangent from the problem posters thread that was broken out by a mod?

IDK. I never thought of that. You could tell at 2+2. Can we tell here?

I can’t tell if PocketChads started this thread or if a bunch of stuff about this thread was moved from there to here.

But now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure that was all my fault, and here’s what happened: The OP was the OP. I moved the trolling from here over to the bad posting thread. All the trolling that ensued in the bad posting thread was later dumped back into this one.

It was boringly easy actually. I kinda feel bad he spent all this time writing gibberish.

LOL you couldn’t even get past me, buddy.
Homer's Memorys

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