Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

Maybe it’s what he thought about joint stock corporations?

“Negligence and profusion, therefore, must always prevail, more or less, in the management of the affairs of such a company.”

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The point is that many liberals already support and fight hard for ideas such as increased land taxes and greater liabilities for corporations.

What liberals? Roosevelt? (Either one really)

You don’t think the average liberal is a huge fan of FDR?

The average MAGA-chud is a huge fan of JFK, and being a huge fan of a dead president is a long way away from fighting hard for various reforms.

I could point to liberals that fight hard but I don’t want to start another Warren debate.

You said many, I assumed there were others.


Regarding corporations, there is a landmark Citizens United case that you might have heard more than a few liberals complain about, which serves as a large basis for the current desperation to affect the Supreme Court.

I’m seeing a limited amount of support, little to no evidence of any but the most tepid of fighting.

Well it’s nothing compared to trolling on the internet and telling people not to vote, I agree.

Disagreeing with you isn’t trolling. Neither is asking you to support claims you make. If it turns out that there are actually very few liberals fighting hard for meaningful change, you’d be better off getting angry with the liberals than with me.

Hey whenever you want to join the fight for equal rights and equal opportunities, you’re welcome aboard. We need all the help we can get.

FWIW, a large % of online neoliberals/socdems are Georgists.

It’s worth very little to me, as I’m not a Georgist. And that’s my weekend ruined, so thanks for that. I’m going to have online neoliberals slash socdems rattling around my head for the next 48 hours at least. Online neoliberals slash socdems, online neoliberals slash socdems



On June 1, 1986, when word spread of a plan to raise rents, thousands of Soweto residents stopped paying rent and services to the Soweto Council. The Council tried to break the strike with evictions, but the neighbors resisted with force. In late August, police shot at a crowd that was resisting an eviction, killing more than 20 people. Rage intensified and the authorities halted the evictions.

In early 1988, the authorities declared a state of emergency to try to suppress the rise of black resistance across the country. The sole focal point that they did not manage to extinguish was the Soweto rent strike. In the middle of the year, the strikes continued and the authorities cut off the electricity to nearly the entire area as a means of pressure.

The press claimed that the strike was not realistic, that it was only sustained by the violence of young militants. The reality turned out to be different: despite 30 months of a state of emergency that stopped much of the activity of the anti-apartheid movement, the vast majority of the residents continued to support the strike. In the end, the authorities recognized that they had completely lost control. In December 1989, they canceled all overdue rents—a loss of more than $ 100 million—definitively stopped evictions, suspended all rents pending negotiation with neighbors, and, in at least 50,000 cases, ceded ownership of the houses directly to the tenants.


‘You are not alone, hang the white flag to show your neighbors we are not alone and we are getting organized!’ say organizers of the rent strike.

Every movement needs it’s flag, and it seems Rent Strike 2020 has found theirs… the white flag or bed sheet. If you are a freeholder, it ‘costs’ you nothing to go on Rent Strike. All freeholders should be in solidarity with renting folk. Every damn house, except the landlords personal houses, should be flying the white flag right now !!!1!



Razing property rights – it’s well past time

She doesn’t care about the bills her landlord must shoulder. She wants you to know she’s a hero and she’s fighting for you.

:heart: :black_heart: :heart:

The landlords could learn to code, do the landlords need to go to Starbucks, maybe the landlords could have saved some money.

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Skimmed it. Such bad faith and intellectual dishonesty. SMH.

I saw some kind of a rent strike banner hanging over the freeway today. I couldn’t quite make it out. Something about food instead of rent. It was in Spanish.

Hey Inso,

How does it feel to be the middleman between the poor and the elite? Like, you are a slumlord but don’t actually own property. Meanwhile, your bosses put you in charge for a few extra dollars. Why I bet you make $13 an hour! Good for you! Meanwhile, when the shit hits the fan, you’ll be the spokesperson for your shithole company. Thoughts on being being hung by your big toes while your bosses negotiate with the untouchables?