Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

Apparently, because I was told quatus stos weren’t important and all he’s saying is “I’m for X, you’re for Y.”

You can’t send my lawnmower into orbit. No Unstucker can. We’re just chatting on the interwebs. If I didn’t find it mildly amusing, I’d conspicuously waste my time some other way.

And no dude, making fun of the incredibly stupid things some peeps say isn’t “be able to say” anything. LOLing @ a fool doesn’t have anything to do with the “good”, or the “bad”, or the “strawberry”. SMH.

Gavin Newsom stated that the eviction moratorium will coincide and will be lifted when the shelter in place is lifted.

Arguing for a permanent moratorium is some of the dumbest shit you can get behind and is why some are assuming that Sabo is just trolling - which I don’t think he is.


Thing is — and this is just my opinion — there’s a lot of people ITT who agree with you on that. But it seems to me that they all at least started out with the impression that they knew it. They all thought it would be like, boringly easy to tear Sabo to shreds. Have you ever heard someone say they ‘could talk for hours’ about something, and then seen them be very definitely unable to talk about it for more than fifteen seconds? It’s like that.

IMO, a lot of people ITT are running into a problem, because their devotion to landlordism and, by extension, to capitalism itself, turns out to be much more emotive than cerebral, much more attitudinal than empirical. Much more feelsy than factsy, and they don’t like bumping into that.

Hence the collaborative construction of the mythical Unanswered Questions. And memory is so pliable, too. If this thread was locked now and all discussion of renting etc banned from the site, quite a few people ITT would, I think, sincerely believe in the Unanswered Questions. Six months from now they’d tell you “Oh yeah, Sabo and whoever else just couldn’t answer any of our questions” and they wouldn’t even be lying.
Homer's Memorys

Of course. Nobody is red-baiting the single-payer thread.

The level of trolling and bad faith ITT are off the charts. AFAIK no other threads on Unstuck are like that. Why?

Why can’t the fools sit still for even a tiny amount of planning process? What about this incredibly stupid Semantiking for this one stupid word… which they can’t quit doing even though (a) the time of ‘arguing’ ITT has passed, and (b) I even explained to peeps like they were 5yos why they were doing it. And they still can’t help themselves. Amazing.

And why can’t the trolls tell who’s trolling and who is not. This isn’t a “both sides do it situation”. Not even close. One “side” is following the chat, and the fools are mindlessly trolling and spamming the chat. Why?

Sabos’s not trolling, he’s just sort of bad at engaging with people.

I don’t think this is fair at all. Some topics are more difficult to chat about than others. That’s not my fault. Do you feel I’m bad at engaging when I chat about sportsball, or dogs, or other topics that don’t touch directly on other peeps imagined identity?

I honestly can’t remember. It’s possible your style is just different in this thread.

You called it yourself up thread. This is the ACers all over again. But 10 years later, I don’t seem to have as much patience. So sure, my style is a little different in this thread.

Why indeed. I’m sure it has nothing to do with Borodog, Don Corleone, Mr. Econpants, Willy Wonka, Anthropomorphic Talking Duck, or any of our other cast of characters.

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I agree and the same methodology would happen if you inserted other topics for political discussion rather than landlordism or capitalism.

But arguing for a permanent moratorium is the feelsy over factsy when you refuse to elaborate on how it would be successful.

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It’s working out fine here so far!

If you were asked to assess the impact of some sudden change on housing supply, prices, homelessness, vacancy rates, and physical obsolescence, what kind of minimum time scale would you think required before your assessment might even be interesting?

What I’m getting at is really that I think there is some bad faith on both sides.

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Oh, I never connected the dots regarding why the term status-quo in particular gets the bad faith poster’s lawn mowers into orbit, or explain what other bad faith comes out of “what are you” Q.

Even if the bad faith posters are frustrated regarding the “what are you” game, they still get a payload of whataboutism and ad hominem out of it.

The reason the term status-quo tilts the bad faith posters isn’t only, or even mainly, because they don’t like the other side to have the most perfectly sourced “side” possibly staked out “against” them. Although that does drive them nuts.

The main reason is that they’ve heard of something called “burden of proof”. That don’t know what it means… they don’t know what anything means. But they imagine it means that as long as they can claim the status-quo, their victim must then contemporaneously “guess at a world”. And they can ask their victim any, and every, stupid ass Q in the world, and she’ll ‘have’ to answer them because she has the “burden of proof”…while at the same time, they don’t have answer any stinkin’ Qs ever, because the “burden of proof” doesn’t fall them.

I’ve no idea, I’m no expert. I can only speak for myself regarding bad faith, and I don’t think it’s bad faith to have an end in mind that’s not immediately clear to your interlocutor. If it were, the Socratic method would be bad faith, wouldn’t it?

I didn’t really get enough ‘biters’ to honestly say a pattern is emerging, but I think one was beginning to emerge: people would ask me about some issue they saw with extending the eviction moratorium, and it would turn out that the issue they were raising applied at least as much if there were no moratorium at all. It’s not quite Judo-flipping them into arguing against landlordism their own selves, but it has that flavour. I wouldn’t call it bad faith, would you?

This seems like a long-winded way of saying you aren’t going to explain how any alternatives will work.

Well since this whole violence ‘creates’ urban planning is crap through and through, there’s no way the liberals can answer the Q. Not anymore than an ACer could draw up a RoofRodz atlas. It’s the same with the liberals fantasy about landlords morphing into criminal gangs doing home invasion robberies.

Home many generations would it take for the lack of violence to ‘create’ this alleged catastrophic apocalypse of lack of urban planning? How long before the landlords go rouge? Who knows… it’s all exactly as unknowable as anything about RoofRodz™,

I don’t see why you are “both siding” this however. SMH.

OTOH, we could do a WAG on how many decades it would take to just fill up all the currently useless and empty houses that capitalism has already ‘created’. Then we could realize that as long as the capitalists are in charge, their system will continue to ‘create’ useless and empty houses going forward forever. SMH.

Dunno and it’s semantics and not worth a derail. Maybe call that a rhetorical trick? I would think you would have been pretty confident in what Formula72’s objection to your post would have been. If the goal is to dunk, then setting something up is solid and that’s fine. If it’s to educate or be educated, then it’s a bad way to go about it.

I don’t feel like a thread has to be all one thing or another, but I do think it’s fair to say “We know what happens in the world with landlords and evictions. We have seen it going on for centuries, not weeks. What do you think happens in the long-term if those are abolished?” There are answers and there are examples to point to like Singapore or unplanned settlements or Cuba or The Uros People of Lake Titicaca, but “look at these last 6 weeks” isn’t much of an answer.

Huh. That post has nothing to do with me, or explaining, or alternative, or anything like that.

As I’ve mentioned, the stupid “what are you” game doesn’t have anything to do with the messenger or the message. It’s just a completely vacuous and content free word game.

Fools trying to play the “what are you” game are posting in bad faith. Of course I’m not going to discuss any so-called alternatives, or otherwise engage with bad faith posters, on any level.

15 million vacant housing units in the US. Number of households in the US grows by about 1 million per year lately. So about 1.5 decades.