Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time


Even the stopped conservative clock is right twice a day.

OK VG. What’s the average effective interest rate that renting folks pay via their rent? What information would we need to calculate it? Serious question.

I don’t think you can’t really get the relevant info for apartments because there’s no really good info on owned “apartments” and be comparing apples to apples, but the average home price in the US is about $230k and the average home rent is about $1500 which means about 8% interest rate. The average rental is probably smaller and less valuable than the average house though, so the rate should probably be adjusted up a fair bit.

Something to think about…

It’s much harder generally for a bank to “evict” a “homeowner” but mortgage interest rates are still quite low.

Of course this doesn’t take landlord expenses into account which means adjusting down.

We don’t need an exact number, we just need an estimate.

Your estimate is way off however. What you have forgotten to figure in is the useful lifespan of the building. Or the car for that matter.

ETA: We avoid the apples-vs-oranges thingee by not doing that. We can compare freeholder SFR -vs- rented SFR. We can compare owner-occupied condo units -vs- rental condo units.

Comparing it to cc debt and from the POV of the renter that seems more relevant. Lifespan is essentially infinite.

The useful lifespan of a car doesn’t seem relevant. The payments are amortized (I guess…I’ve never borrowed for a car). The interest is charged on the debt. A tenant pays no principle.

Also how is the useful life of a building relevant from a tenants POV? The term of the lease maybe.

Yeah, maybe that’s available. You just don’t want to mix apartments with rental condos.


  • An asset has a useful lifespan of L years.
  • To be sustainable, a sinking fund or equivalent, needs to be maintained to replace that asset at the end of L years.
  • To maintain an the asset, ongoing expenses are required.

Over that L years, freeholding will cost $X, leasing will cost $X+$Y. Take that Y and L, plug it into the Meaning of Life™ and we got our answer.

ETA: another mistake you were making was confusing the effective interest rate on the asset itself -vs- the effective interest rate to borrow $$$ to buy the asset instead. This is why not having access to credit is so devastating to working folk.

IF a notice of termination was served and expired before March 27th, 2020 and IF the Residential Tenancies Board has issued a Determination Order in support of the termination, you can be evicted. And all RTB hearings (required for a D.O.) are suspended. There certainly were evictions in Dublin. Presently, there are not.

How many more posts until someone comes in here and claims Sabo is adding a really valuable perspective with this type of bullshit

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Man, I’ve heard if landlords can’t evict, they’ll form gangs of home invasion robbers, and (continue to) extort and terrorize civil society? How is your new Mad Max world treating you?

I’ve also heard the housing stock will “shrink” without evictions. How many sqft (or rods per fortnight, or what you folks measure with) in your home have you lost so far do to this this “shrinkage”. Are the neighbors getting farther away?

O/U five.

ETA: I’m taking this line down. I’m going to 5 posts myself.

Honestly, the neighbours have been eyeing the property up a bit lately. I heard their wallpaper’s peeling and they have no incentive to maintain the property. I think those bar-stewards are planning on making a move!!1!

LOL @ them. I’m moving into the bar.

Probably less than it’ll take for someone to bemoan the lack of answers to unasked questions. I’d say it was all very Zen, but Buddhists aren’t really noted for moaning.

If you ignore land and assume a house lasts 100 years and you amortize $230k and have a payment of $1500 you get about 8%.

Seems like all those lawnmowers that I sent into orbit were on target.

No. Try harder. Do this… stop trying to plug numbers in right away. Figure it out with the X,Y,Z first. After we get the formula, we’re going to want to try out different sets of numbers anyways… but we need to get the formula first.

Sherlock Holmes on the fuckin’ case here, boys.