Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

lol. I saw that on Reddit. Some people were trying to argue there are good landlords too though.


Anyone have any experience with landlords repeatedly opening their mail? I live in the bottom floor of a house that’s been converted to an apartment, landlords live in the upper two floors. We have the same address (which I thought a little odd when moving in) but I’m the only tenant and they just put my mail in a mailbox that is outside my apt but inside the building. I’ve been here for several years and back in July 2019 I noticed several Amazon packages of mine had been opened before being placed in my box. This happened several different times and I was shocked it happened more than once. I emailed them politely reminding them to check the labels because I obviously get packages sent here too. Since that email in 2019 they’ve probably opened packages of mine on 6-8 different occasions, only one of them I can remember containing any kind of apology/explanation note. It was something like “Sorry this happened again AAARRRGGHH!”

Now they’ve really been on a tear (sorry) and have opened the last 3 Amazon packages I’ve had delivered (8/29, 9/27, and today 10/12). They didn’t leave any notes, didn’t bother texting or emailing me about it, nothing. I just find my packages sitting in my mailbox, opened with the contents in the package. I really don’t know what to do about this now. I’ve asked them, in writing, to stop this and that didn’t work. The packages show up opened and they don’t even acknowledge it. I’m not crazy here am I? I consider it a gigantic breach of privacy to open someone else’s mail; to do it so frequently after being asked not to is some weird compulsion, malicious, incredibly disrespectful, or what I don’t even know anymore. They don’t seem like bad people (he’s in his 60s, she’s probably about 50, professionals, have their first new grandkid) and it’s kind of hard for me to think they’re doing this on purpose but fucking A at some point you have to kind of give up on giving them that credit.

Anyway I had to rant and I have no clue what to do. Should I demand they get me a PO Box or UPS box since they’ve shown they can’t keep my mail secure?

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There are so many people who never look at the label and just open it; I get my mail opened once in awhile because it was put in the wrong box. (I always look before opening mail but that makes me weird) They obviously are just going to keep doing it. If you have to get your own box, that’s what you’re gonna have to do.

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It’s not a mistake. They are deliberately spying on you. Document each time and take a pic of the opened mail. Also keep a record of every email and conversation you’ve had with them about this. Even tho it’s their house, opening your mail is illegal and if you haven’t already done so, I’d remind them of that fact

Of course if you’re a prankster like me, I might have a friend from across country send me closeup pictures of their license plates, or books on living on the lamb and how to maintain a fake identity

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Get your Amazon stuff delivered to a drop box in town someplace. The package thieves are pretty rampant in my neighborhood so I stopped taking the chance of not hearing the delivery and have them delivered to a drop box a couple of miles from where I live.

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I’ve accidentally opened a neighbor’s package that was delivered to my house because I didn’t read the mailing label, but that was once. If I had someone else living in my house, I would certainly check who the package is addressed to, especially if I wasn’t expecting anything. Hell, I still check if I’m not expecting anything, just to see who the hell ordered something without me knowing.

I wouldn’t necessarily attribute malice to the situation, but it is definitely odd.

You could order a printed copy of goatse to better get the message across.


Order this


Thats my favorite Paul Simon song!


Please order this? Or put it on your Amazon wishlist so someone can buy it for you. (Not you fb but sirosis)

Or share with them some light, comedy classics:


F people’s park, f nimbys. More student housing!



this seems like a real weird conception of reality, there’s sort of this tacit assumption that “billionaires” are just these passive resources we can harvest and then use to achieve social outcomes, which is 100% the opposite of reality, the billionaires ARE the “unqualified political activists”. They’re driving the car.

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Isn’t Manhattan a high rent district?

Washington Heights is one of the more affordable neighborhoods in Manhattan

Canada announced today a renters bill of rights and even smarter an amendment to make paying rent count towards your credit score.

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