Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time


But wage growth


Imagine still being cucked by Elmo in 2024

Any way you can post the whole thread?




The media brainwashed them into thinking 30% increases over 4 years is bad

Business School

Capitalism 101: Adam Smith

Capitalism 102: Manufacturing Scarcity


Speaking of dumb landlords, this guy rented me essentially a basement apartment in a house with three other roommates for $1050 a month, including utilities and cable, a savings of over $600 from my last apartment. For that price one dummy roommate was totally acceptable, as was the lack of a working oven or microwave (he had been trying to get a warranty repair on them for several months before I moved in). Well, of course it was too good to be true a month after I move in he tells us we’re out in 2 months because his ex-wife’s name is on the mortgage and she wants him to sell the house. MF. This is possibly the best place I ever lived in and I’ll never find it’s like again.

Sorry, dude. Tell him that you’re not paying any more rent, since I’m sure the last thing he wants is a conflict with a problem roommate while he’s dealing with his ex-wife and a realtor.

It’s a wash, he has a month’s rent as a deposit and isn’t a bad guy, just dumb. I’m at a spot where I can afford it so it’s just a pain in the ass not a tragedy. Found some rooms with a stoner university IT guy in Boulder which should be pretty chill for $1300 which is still a good amount of savings.

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