Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

Imagine what Fox News would do if a liberal landlord sent the inverse letter in 2020. Lawnmowers would be colliding in orbit, there would be so many of them.


LOL i’d immediately ask for an itemized list of their expenses, most of these scumbags barely maintain their places. I do all my repairs on my place, asking my landlord is nearly pointless


Is that like a “compassionate conservative?”

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I’d reply all:

Question, who ran the biggest budget deficit (an inflation trigger) in U.S. history? Please reply-all with your response.

My current landlord is liberal (we’ve discussed politics, somehow) but it’s only a single family home. He has been very kind and not raised rent on me. He could be getting me for at least 20% more. He’s still cash flowing about 40% on me, though, before expenses. Then there’s the equity he’s building.

But yeah liberal landlords are rare.

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I’d be curious to know what state his eviction is. If he just got a three day notice to quit he has time because eviction has not even been filed yet. If the landlord served a proper legal eviction then his time may just be over.

All that being said, landlords refusing to continue to take section 8 sucks. Section 8 not properly adjusting sucks.

It can be almost impossible to find any section 8 housing in some areas, let alone on an incredibly short time frame.


Big landlords share pricing information with each other and agree to keep prices high instead of competing.


"For tenants, the system upends the practice of negotiating with apartment building staff. RealPage discourages bargaining with renters and has even recommended that landlords in some cases accept a lower occupancy rate in order to raise rents and make more money.

One of the algorithm’s developers told ProPublica that leasing agents had “too much empathy” compared to computer generated pricing."

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you

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Big sad


Shown here demonstrating his actual professional skills


My guess it that most of the landlords crying for understanding are also people that preached sanctimoniously that selfish millenials have no one to blame but themselves for taking out student loans they would be unable to repay. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY THAT’S WHAT I WANT TO KNOW!


Landlords deserve free money because they take on risk…

I guess that’s fair, since workers’ lives are completely without risk.

Is rent pricing collusion bad?

Only if you get caught.

The FTC is gonna get riiiiiiiiiiight on that.


Eat them.

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Pure human trash