Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

Does leasing farm land count?

I think we’re talking about residential landlords here? I assume?

Why assume; it’s your poll!



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Are you an agricultural landlord?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

i own pieces of rental properties does that count? minor slumlord?

That means you are cancelled. Mods, please delete his account.



Feel deletion is too strong. I’ve added a note so community is warned and can interact with him appropriately.



The biggest landlord in the US is Investment Trust MAA and their biggest shareholder is The Vanguard Group, so probably a lot of you are landlords.

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I guess this is how the meeting with the Grenfell builders went. Man was MP prescient.

I guess if Vanguard were to start having their shareholders fix their toilets and do their electrical shit it would make a lot of smart folks realize how spoiled they are.

Tenants are spoiled because landlords take care of them?

Mutual fund owners are spoiled because they are insulated from responsibility?

Shareholders are more spoiled than landlords.

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Man, we’re going to need an update on that thread in a few months, because that is amazing.

I think it is reasonable to ask their stepfather to pay rent to prove a point, but they should back down once their stepfather concedes the point. If their stepfather doesn’t concede, however…well, it’s going to be interesting seeing how costs like maintenance and property taxes are dealt with.

From a Dallas Landlord:

I would absolutely leave immediately and force them to take me to court for lease abandonment. Fuck that noise