2025 LC Thread

I’m confused. Can you draw an MS paint for this?

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I never put my wallet in my back pocket for security reasons. Front pocket only. Also read that if you keep it in your back pocket, it can be bad for your back–sitting down on it constantly with tilted posture.

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The main branch of the New York City library in Manhattan is a beautiful place. When I worked out of our NY office I would always go there to do focus work.

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It is a little odd. Our local library was upgraded recently, too, and I had the same thought.


But it’s still pretty awesome, and I think it’s a really valuable place for people who might not have as much available space and flexilibity for things like tutoring and internet access. Every time I go in (mainly to pick up books that I’ve reserved), there are definitely many people there even if it’s not super crowded.

No library slander in this thread.


I’ve been to libraries a couple times a month over the last year and there is always a lot of folks using them. You “libraries are ghost town” people should go hang out at one sometime.


Libraries are a god send if you have kids. We moved to a city that doesn’t have one and there’s not really a non park public place where kids can get together and do activities


Yep. The first thing that you notice when you go into a good library is that it’s full of people and it’s a valuable “third place” for a community.

My in person chess club meets at the library. They let us use the room for free every other Wednesday. Similar community building activities are happening every night. When things are free, you get people from all levels of socioeconomic status showing up and participating as equals*. My weekly chess hang out always makes me feel way more connected to my community. It’s massively valuable to everyone except for people that stand to benefit from the idea that you have to buy things from them to get something good.



Thats ok he doesn’t remember that movie either

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Looks familiar.


I’m sure the big cities still have people in them, the small and rural ones do not

Our 22-year old main library building is nice but I don’t think it’s been maintained as well as it should have been. Most of the spaces for small shops are empty. The coffee shop is always closed. One whole floor is roped off. There was a flood not long ago. I think this the building’s fourth iteration. It probably won’t move again but a face lift is probably due.

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I was in the library in Quartzsite, AZ about a week ago and it was full. Might not have been an open seat.

Boulder is the biggest library I’ve been in. The other are suburbs of Boulder, not sure where you draw the line at “big city” but these aren’t.

Oh man.

Memory is a treacherous thing. I guess using recursion to try to recover a memory is a common tactic. I went more or less like this: Actor? Movie? He was married to what’s-her-name, much younger. She married what’s-his-name, much younger, kind of a DB. He married that one girl, she was in that TV show with him. Oh! That 70s Show → Mila Kunis → Ashton Kutcher → Demi Moore → Bruce Willis → Die Hard.

Some of my best friends and collaborators are academic librarians and I maintain pretty close ties with my University’s library system. In fact, for several years I have volunteered to serve on libraries’ “chat reference” service, where for an hour or two a week I am an ersatz reference librarian and people can ask me any question they want. I mention this because the experience has been illuminating to me, and my main takeaway is that, contrary to expectations, the internet has made students dramatically less resourceful in identifying and evaluating information resources. I am just regularly bowled over at how clueless students are at basic research skills - and I am talking about doctoral students in highly regarded programs. I have kept doing this years longer then I expected because I actually feel like I am providing a real service.

Anyway I do wonder why anyone would think the internet supersedes the need for public libraries. I can see it as a reasonable replacement for dictionaries and general encyclopedias, but most research materials and books cost more now then they did when I was young. What did you use the library for in the past that you can do for free now? Serious question.


I read the politics and sports forum sometimes and people like Goofy and Chips came over here.


Same. Can also verify that back pocket wallet messed with my sciatic nerve. I put my phone in my back pocket when I walk around but take it out when I sit.

Kansas City library:

My library card is in this:


The main Seattle library is one of the coolest places in the entire city, and far too many people miss it on their trips there.

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This is how I knew one of the characters in Pantheon ended up in KC.