2025 LC Thread

??? You never downshift on a downhill to use the engine braking? Bunch of amateurs or flatlanders up in here.

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I drive an electric, so that’s my excuse.

you don’t need paddle shifters for that

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You do in a CVT. I use my paddles for downshifting all the time. Saves on brakes bigly


Our 2007 Prius had a button that did that, but also I think if you lightly hit the “brakes”, you didn’t use the brakes at all, just regen.

Due to the high winds here in DC, I just lost power in my apartment. However, as with a prior power failure, the kitchen and bathroom still have full power, although the stove’s clock got reset.

The outage seems localized, since the neighboring properties seem to have power. Also, none of my breakers tripped.

I live in a 14 story building. I can’t imagine that everyone’s kitchen and bathroom would be wired into the building’s emergency generator(s).

Any thoughts?

Maybe you have split phase electrical which would allow onky some circuits to go out.

When I logged in to my power provider, there was already a notice about the power outage at this address. Where would the juice be coming from if not from a generator?

Ya if the source is out that wouldn’t make sense. I’m not sure.

Why you need journalism. A cop pulled over a truck driver who knows she wasn’t speeding. Cop doesn’t write a ticket or give a court date but instead hands her a form that says to call this number or a warrant will be out for your arrest. The form is from the local drug task force.

She calls it and it’s a deferred prosecution. Pay 350 dollars. But there’s nothing to contest, no court date, nothing.

Turns out the local district attorney had been using the local drug task force as a cash machine, having them pull people over, and give the slip of paper hoping that they’d pay. There wasn’t any paper trail though because there was nothing to log, no courts to go to, etc. Brought in over 2 million during the time the drug task force was there.

After the trucking magazine started digging and the Oklahoma started asking questions the DA and the drug task force discontinued the practice.


Just a few days ago I went to check out the house of a friend of my m-i-l who had some circuits out and said she checked the breakers, but it was a breaker (there was actually a short in a lamp, but a breaker was still tripped). So, my first question would be if you are sure it’s not the breakers. Most breakers have to be switched all the way off until a click and then all the way back on. If there is a short, it would just trip immediately.

If it’s really not any of your breakers, it’s probably not a broad outage, but it could be something at the closest utility transformer where only one leg of the “split phase” is hot. (virtually all residential power in the USA is 240v split phase @clovis8 ). It could be that there is a generator running that is only working on one phase for some reason.

A 14 story building probably has its own transformer - probably more than one.

Since there seems to have been an outage, partial or otherwise, more likely it is the power coming to the apartment though and not the breakers or a short I guess.

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You should hook up a bunch of stuff thru the kitchen and bathroom. Maybe you’re getting free leccy from your neighbour.

My son is an aspiring drummer. He and his friend have been trying to start a band and saw that a local music store was having an open mic night at, of all hours, 3:00pm this past Saturday. So they signed up for their first “public” performance not involving school.

As all band origin stories start, the open mic was outside on the sidewalk of the strip mall on a dreary, misty, cold day. They were the only act and the only audience was comprised of the families of the two boys.

The kids played a song by Acid Bath. Went well, as far as 15- and 16-year-old’s performances go. As soon as they finished and the clapping from us parents stopped, a music store employee came out and started unplugging the mics and amps.

“Yeah, that’s going to be all for today. We’re getting complaints from the neighbors.”

Hey, they came to rock and that’s what they did.


This will be a good story for them to tell five years from now when they come out with their first hit single.


-41 today. It’s so damn cold. Becoming American and moving to the south sounding better today!

I’m in “the south” and it’s 26 right now

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Not worth it. We’d call it -41 also.


275 in SLC rn


Ice everywhere in Boston and 30mph winds

(we are the windiest city in the country, fk Chicago for stolen glory)

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