2025 LC Thread

I don’t play anymore but when I did the wad of cash was separate from the wallet in a different pocket.

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you’re really digging in lmao

I have my driver’s license, a credit card and a little bit of cash in my iPhone case. Another game changer, I only have to remember two things instead of three when I leave the house - keys and iPhone. I barely take the wallet anywhere anymore.

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I played $.01/$.02 for a month, lost $20 and got addicted to werewolf. Do I count? Didn’t even gamble in Vegas when I went a few months ago


How did you end up here?

I wondered if I might know the U of Utah people. I don’t. The lead guy did a 10 minute TEDx talk if anyone cares.

Many years ago I switched from a wallet to just carrying around a few cards and maybe a few bills and I did that for several years but I went back to a regular wallet and I like it. Just don’t carry too much stuff. And I almost always take my wallet out of my pocket and put it right next to my phone or whatever when I’m sitting down.

I just stick any loose bills or cards to my forehead using a piece of gum. Unused gum goes in my sock.

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Hi, how is this news after being on the same message board as Melk for 5576457755444 years?

(:heart: Melk obv)

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This is what I get for grunching.

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I used to have Costanza wallet, but switched to this:

I carry a debit card, credit card, cash, and license.

All my grocery rewards, Sam’s Club, Costco, and other cards go into one of these:

I leave this in the car and pull out whichever card I need.

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I’m weird in that I never listen to music or podcasts while driving (car stereo and certainly not earbuds) nor while going for walks, etc. But sometimes will listen while on trains. And I won’t even listen to music while lifting but will for gym cardio (treadmill, bike, etc.).

lol USA, wtf


My hearing is for shit and it still seems rude to wear earbuds when talking to people so I take them out when I go into a store, even if I walked to the store. I’m used to hooking up my phone to get Apple Car Play on the Ionic 5 so I pretty much do that every time I get in the car so I can listen to my stories. Today I was making some short trips so didn’t and listened to the radio instead. I haven’t listened to the radio for 8 or 9 years before getting this car so it’s a nice re-discovery. Except for commercials, they still suck.

My wallet. Holds four cards, sticks to the back of my phone, and also serves as a phone stand. I only very rarely carry cash.


I’m thinking of of a system like this, but instead of the top thing, it will be some sort of phone case and instead of the second thing it will be photos of cards on my phone.


  1. Anyone got a good suggestion for such a phone case
  2. What cards require you to absolutely have the physical card (and photo of front and back on phone wouldn’t work). Costco might be the only one I can think of, but maybe they have a digital one too?

How exactly does it stick to your phone?

Do you have a link to it or something similar?

MagSafe. Just Google MagSafe wallet, there are a ton of them. I actually bought mine on the TikTok shop!

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They do have a digital card through their app, I never carry the physical card.

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That’s great. If you’re pulling it out of your pocket does wallet ever detach from phone?