It’s legal to drive while using earbuds here but not in CA you scofflaw.
For me it’s 100%.
Not easier, but easy enough. It’s the situational awareness thing Devil is talking about. You really shouldn’t be driving with eat buds in. Yeah, I know it’s 4 blocks. I also wear my seatbelt for 4 block rides too. Call me crazy.
It’s certainly more reasonable than the dudes I saw in carline. I live a 10min drive from the school and that’s closer than everyone else I know.
I wear my seatbelt, but that’s one step and doesn’t interrupt the podcast. I can hear stuff around me just as well listening to a podcast on earbuds as listening to music in the car w/o earbuds.
Did not know that. Wild.
Also the thing I didn’t mention is that my car stereo from 2007 is not bluetooth compatible. I have to plug in my iPhone. But in my mind it’s the same argument, since that takes less time to plug in the iPhone than the stereo and earbuds to handshake in other cars I’ve been in.
But it does require me to take my iPhone out of my pocket, which I forget to take with me when I leave the car 1 in 10 times.
That seems unlikely. This was what the google AI told me:
This is very different than the situation I was describing. Both dudes where in <2 year old Teslas.
Yeah because they’re cranking music in the things. Podcasts don’t block out shit.
One of my favorite things about my new car is that if I leave my phone on the charging pad and I open the driver’s side door the car will actually yell out “Hey, don’t forget your phone”. I used to forget way more than 1/10 of the time.
the bluetooth dongle thing that plugs into your cigarette lighter and plays audio through a radio station are nice. I was a aux cord plug in guy until last year when I started using one of those. It was impossible to find an aux cord that didn’t go to shit like immediately for me.
I’m listening to podcasts 90% of time I am driving.
I get it.
I replaced the original radio in my 2001 with a $50 stereo so I could have BT and a back-up camera but the BT is shit so I never use it. The camera lens has oxidized so that doesn’t work either. At least it sounds better than the original radio and I can listen to stuff from a flashdrive.
This is a bummer for deaf people who drive.
Well, it’s one of the least of their many bummers.
Mine does that too but it’s because my phone is also my car key, so it screams at me that I technically left my key in the car.
Amazingly, my phone app is not able to start the car. It’s apparently a deliberate choice. It can do all sorts of stuff, but not that.
The nice thing about my car is if the phone key fails, there’s a keypad on the exterior of the door to unlock the car and a code that I can enter to start the car without a key.
Good thing because a phone update last month broke the phone as a key function and just got fixed with a phone update 2 days ago.
Mine is an alpine DVD-driven nav system/stereo from not long after I bought the car. It sounds great. But no bluetooth. I don’t use the nav system much anymore since Google maps.
That’s a nice feature. I wish I had that. I’m trying to reduce the shit I lug around. That’s a small rock, tho. What I really need to work on is my Costanza-sized wallet.
Aren’t we all ex poker players/gambling degens?
Use the tried and true cards/id, cash wrapped around - rubber band wallet.
You can buy like 1000 of them for like $10
ETA: if you don’t carry a ton of cash around with you, this has been my favorite money clip for years: