2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

you get to cash in on that REVERSE MORTGAGE

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The audio immediately made the NPR news summary so this clip will probably be on all the national evening news outlets too.

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People were mad at the NABJ for inviting him, but it was actually kind of brilliant.



Seems to be some debate on whether it helps or hurts Trump in the long run.



I’m always pessimistic by this point that basically anything will hurt him, consequences only happen to other people, but I can’t possibly conjure up a scenario where this would help him.


I mean his base will continue to think it’s hilarious and satisfying that he stuck it to those liberal nerds that call themselves the media, but yeah I agree at this point, there’s nobody on the fence that watches this and says “wow now I really gotta vote for this dude”.

Buys him more attention, takes the spotlight off Kamala, takes the heat off Vance, MSM amplifies stuff that’s abhorrent to us but energizes the Trump base. MSM feels the need to start hand-wringing about Kamala’s mixed race heritage and what it means to black people. Trumpers are terrified of black people, so Trump walking into the lion’s den gives them a hard on.

I’m not saying I know this is true, but this is the theory.

I mean…fair enough that those are the arguments being floated. I’m entirely unpersuaded. This was a bad enough afternoon for him it at least puts me in the headspace of “could this actually maybe hurt him a little?” And even getting to that point takes a lot.

Trumpers will never see the whole thing, just the clips that RW media wants to show them.




People who can reasonably be labeled as Trumpers aren’t changing their vote for literally any reason; we know that much by now. They’re not part of the calculus.

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But they can be energized or de-energized. And they’ve been as de-energized as possible since the convention. Again, I’m just making the counter-argument here. But as it goes, this has the potential to shift the conversation away from Kamala’s momentum and distract the media, like throwing cheese on a baby’s head.


This election will be decided by white women in the suburbs and black people. This is a fucking disaster for him. We are all boiled frogs from nothing mattering but in no universe is this good for him.


I’m not sure whether it was smart, but I think the purpose was to show black voters he’s as racist as ever, not to convince any Trumpers. So while yes, this gets him attention, hopefully it gets black voters back on board (assuming the polls showing him doubling his 2020 vote with blacks were real).

Annnnnd, weird case in point spotted


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They didn’t even grill him with that question. Just a normal inquiry toward a candidate that instantly shook him. Such a cry baby. I am curious now what other questions they threw at him.

Edit: Just read a bunch of quotes in the Trump thread. I take it back, they grilled this dude well. No wonder he turned into a cry baby and left early.