2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Warnock: A Florida man called into Georgia and said I need 11,780 votes. I want you to think about that. Georgia, Donald Trump tried to steal your vote. Kamala Harris is trying to earn your vote.

This is a great f-ing liine and they should blanket the Georgia airwaves with it.


I was not familiar with this meme, but it reminds me of


Speaking of SNL


So the electoral college (the only thing that matters) doesn’t look promising?

It’s headed in the right direction at least. Seems like lots of potential toss-ups right now.

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The latest polls in the battleground states are all really tight for the most part (except for a probable outlier of Harris +11 in MI). Enough have come in where she’s up or down one or two points that it truly all just looks like a toss-up right now. Not sure all of what goes into that model, but if it’s including any of the then-hypothetical Trump vs. Harris polling from before she actually got to launch then that seems like a flaw.

come on.

“she should be running” was probably a top 3 debate slam but he was zinging all of those bozos constantly. Go back and watch those GOP primary debates, the contrast to today’s Trump is really scary, dude was like 200x sharper.

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I was bored last night so if michigan poll is real harris hitting 400+ ev.


Shark Tank feud

NEW: Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary warns that America will turn into Canada if Kamala Harris is elected, says some of his Democrat donor friends are having “buyer’s remorse.”

O’Leary warned about what could happen when someone with no skills gets into power.

“I ask everybody to look north to Canada. When a young Justin Trudeau swept in, nobody cared about his executional skills or what he’d ever done or anything.”

“They just thought he was the it guy. Look at the country now it’s, it’s wiped out it because it turns out the guy had no executional skills.”

“It would be important to leave aside the politics and ask what has Kamala Harris actually done, actually achieved?”

Sorry Canada, you’ve been wiped out.


Calling Jeb! low energy was an S-tier zinger. “Little Marco” and “Sleepy Joe” were okay, the other Trump zingers have all fizzled.

The mentions of Little Marco remind me of when Marco’s brilliant rejoinder was once to call him “Big Donald” in return during a debate exchange. From the same brain that just brought us, “We’re weird? You’re weirder.”

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Stop I can only get so erect.


I remember Hillary also made a big show of calling Trump “Donald” during the debates, which just made her seem petty and unprofessional.

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If you own your home and your home only, the price of housing going up is basically a wash anyway.

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“She was Indian all the way and all of a sudden she made a turn and she became a Black woman.”


It’s either tax breaks for billionaires or dehumanizing the marginalized.

Only policies they really have.