2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I mean the whole thing ended with his own people calling off the journalists and telling them they had to stop. In no way is Team Trump happy about this right now. In some very hypothetical scenario where it helps him (I don’t buy this at all), it is absolutely not the result of 4-D chess. The fact that they got their own candidate yanked off-stage before the disaster got worse shows what their reaction was.


So somebody finally asked “What is a black job?” but he cruised by it. She should have followed up with “You mean doctors, lawyers, architects, executives? Are those black jobs?”


Remember how we all laughed and sneered at Trump calling Mexicans rapists, and the MSM breathlessly reported it, sucking all the oxygen from the other R candidates, and we were all so sure his campaign was donezo? But in reality it vaulted him to the presidency?

He’s trying to recreate the same hits.

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I dunno he said a “black job” was “any job”, and it got a bit of a guffaw from the crowd.

I mean this is just an emotional hedge, right?

Nobody here is declaring that the race ended today as far as I know. I think we all know there’s a lot of sweat left. But I am comfortable with concluding that it wasn’t somehow a step in the wrong direction in terms of its impact on the race.


Trump showing his ass at the NABJ conference seems like a pure base play, which is not really what he needs.

I’d rather be talking about Vance’s awfulness (who doesn’t have the power of a cult behind him) or Kamala’s momentum.

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Re: kamala harris not actually being black

Explain this then

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We’re getting close to AK v QQ?

Trump surged when people forgot about him. That’s…not going to happen again.

He wants to convey his Lizard pheromones to her.

My thoughts too. This hurts him with that segment of black people who were still voting for or considering him.


National polls dropping today have given us
Harris +2
Harris +4
Trump +3
Trump +2
Harris +3
Harris +1

More support that the race is tied at worst right now in terms of the national popular vote. Battleground state polls matter more, of course. Pretty good state of play at the moment though.


It appears that the braintrust has settled on “full speed ahead.”



As an ethnically Jewish person, I can say that I really appreciated Donald Trump telling me what being Jewish is. Only time will tell whether that same response will be shared by other ethnic groups.


Ok I really need to log off for a while. I just copied the links to these tweets so I could post them on unstuck.


Hope we get a Kamala version of this at some point


i see what he’s doing. he’s telling the blacks she’s indian, then he turns around and tells the indians she’s black. judo master putin taught him how to use his opponent’s strength and momentum against them, so he’s positing that being biracial can cut both ways.