2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I’m grunching.

But I hope you all know that the context which came before us is that we are all super inculcated to be biased against women.

Vibes is not a neutral thing. It comes from an unconscious system that is flawed. It’s just spitting out all the bullshit we’ve been raised with.

Grunching but house prices going up is absolutely a bad thing.

It means that we all pay more for housing, even those who own houses. And it means a massive transfer of wealth from the young and poor to the old and rich.

House prices is one area where liberals should clearly be against rises, but most liberals with any influence own houses… So you know.


Housing prices go up because of competition from buyers, which is related to rising wages and confidence in the future. Most of the things that cause housing prices to be low are tied to other negatives (recession, high unemployment, etc.)

Democrats also don’t have a specific policy in their platform to increase housing supply which is the main thing that could impact prices without negatively impacting buyers.

Grunching again (lol)

I don’t disagree with this. But the number of times journalists ask questions like this vs soft balls is like what 1 of 100, 1 of 1000?

If the choice is between interviews like this and deplatforming, then yeah, but that’s not the two options.

So at this point I don’t think the “Trump supporters aren’t going to see it” thing is necessarily true. Seems more likely they’re going to be told that it’s a good line of attack that they should run with.


At least they now admit they only have half a brain.



Supply is mostly constrained by local governments, not sure how much the feds can do

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It’s not really crazy because it’s Trump, but it’s crazy that he’s going with the birther gambit again.

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Hey, I’m all for 96 more days of “please proceed governor.”

One time for Kamala or her surrogates to say they understand why he’s confused about someone being more than one thing because the only thing he’s ever been is a piece of shit.


Kamala bailing on this event and leaving big daddy to just flail around seems like a master stroke.


Will anyone question Vance and his wife about how they feel about Trumps comments given that their own kids are half Indian?


This seems relevant from (I think) earlier in the week. I think the way the tweeter snipped it is slightly misleading, but the clip still plays as him trying to be understanding of the base he needs to vote for his ticket.


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Trump after today’s appearance:



Not weird at all

We all knew the racism and sexism would be coming but they are just hammering that button really early

And not in the “he just tells it like it is” form of racism that a number of politically moderate racists secretly kind of agree with. I hope I’m not somehow proven wrong, but beyond being abhorrent I’m pretty sure the birther stuff is really bad politics in a general election too.

Spoiler: Both of her parents are from Iraq

What is an uncle tom but for women?