2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Some LA McDonald’s are now charging for BAGS?!??

I’m voting Trump.


Santa Cruz McDonald’s have a $.25 cup fee, woke nightmare.

Being on the phone a lot does not mean everyone is exposed to the same memes/dialogues. Algorithms are really powerful and can make you think everyone else is seeing the same things you are (which is why I not once, but twice, had to explain the Drake/Kendrick beef to large groups of peopke who had not heard any of the diss tracks and only vaguely knew that they didn’t like each other)


This is one thing someone just brought up that I had never thought of before:

He explained how he clicked on and watched one Youtube video explaining how bipolar schizophrenia worked. The next time he logged in, basically all of his videos are about mental health disorders.

I can’t imagine what it is to be someone suffering from either a disorder or the anxiety that they have a disorder, watch a video on social media about it, then all of a sudden you are bombarded with all of these new and scary concepts that are attempting to diagnose you.

I really think the algorithm based consumption is really bad for all of us, but I’m not sure a fix is possible.

Have you seen what they say about Michelle Obama?

Paper, plastic, or both?

IIRC, they are normally paper, but I’ve definitely seen plastic McDonalds bags on occasion.

Very pleasantly surprised by the early messaging. They’re belittling him, calling him “weird” constantly, and staying on offense.


I’m very curious as to whether we owe this to Tim Walz. It’s a great line of attack, and he was the first one I heard it from, but I don’t know for sure whether he was the origin of it.


“Find me one publicly elected official in the Senate who is pushing JD Vance other than Mike Lee,” said the Republican lawmaker, who was granted anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter. “I’ll wait.”

Mike Lee, the guy who brought us John Eastman? Yes.

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You guys are making me hungry for mcdonalds and a mukbang.


Totally agree and I think it’s bad in both directions. You outlined the consumer side well, but I’ve also seen a lot of producers who I thought started out with fairly normal content but slowly (or not so slowly) started putting out more radical stuff. Now, I don’t know all of the exact reasons, but I think at least some of it is recognition that the algorithm rewards controversy and engagement so the financial incentives push them towards taking more polarizing stances and provocative content.

I’m really intrigued on whether this will work in the debate.

Black woman isn’t going to get a lot of leeway to tell off a white man but I would love to see

“Wow. What a weird thing to say… When I talk to normal people every day, they want to hear about healthcare, access to safe abortion, and jobs”



Right on the money.


Landslide victory!

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We raise our kid in Sweden and we pay $150-200 a month for fulltime high quality preschool, which is pretty insane also for European standards. The only caveat is preschool doesn’t start until they turn 1 year old.



and how much paid parental leave?