2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

69 months and 420 minutes


One reply to this was 'If Biden actually came out and did that it would 100% shut down any critic."

But we know how it went.

The algorithm was never meant to be good for users, it was only meant to trap them into viewing more content.

Yeah I think most people are scrolling through memes while sitting in the dr office waiting room.

That being said I scroll tiktok and donā€™t think I have seen any couch stuff on my tiktok. (Well there was one )

I mean if he really jumped around with great agility and rapped, it might have worked


Iā€™m curious as to why a poll like this would be commissioned without including ā€œwho are you voting forā€ in the series of questions (I clicked through and assumed that would be in there somewhere, but seemingly not), but in any case these are good to see.


Only 100 days to go

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Cooperative preschools and semi-cooperative classes, which is mostly where my kids went. Thereā€™s a teacher and a few rotating parent volunteers. It was run by a local public adult school. I donā€™t remember how much it cost, but it couldnā€™t have been more than like $150/mo.

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Guessing somewhere near us, 49 weeks @ 100% pay for both parents.

Not actually a caveat imo.

Good to see these edging in the right direction. I continue to wonder just how high the Harris ceiling will be.

wonder if jd vance is up for that

The moment weā€™ve all been waiting for

(btw: Iā€™m glad Al Gore is around to celebrate Rush Limbaugh still being dead)







The couch tape is real!


Dunno what is going on with that hand, but my guess is someone is in a Jew costume. (Looks like tefillen, but wrapped incorrectly)



Hereā€™s the full picture.


Can you explain the mechanics of this? Here are some examples:

  1. Letā€™s say you are a small business owner. You own and operate a convenience story by yourself. You and your partner, who works for Ikea, have a kid. At some point you have to take 49 weeks off. Will the government just pay you what you were making based on your tax returns from the prior year? To keep your store open and pay rent, youā€™ll need to hire someone to run the store when youā€™re out, do you have to pay for that out of what the government pays you?

  2. When your partner gets time off of working at Ikea, who pays partnerā€™s salary. Government or Ikea?

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I guess not? Dunno who or what that guy is supposed to be.

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