2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Breeders, is this accurate?

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Depends on the area but in a HCOL area it sounds right in the ballpark. It’s why in so many cases one of the parents will just stop working to raise the kid because they’re spending all their income on having someone else do it.

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The part that I’ve never understood is the workers still make like minimum wage.

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The Boomers are absolutely not going to be able to stop telling on themselves with these kinds of racist/sexist-ass memes.

It’s just super labor intensive.

Infant (0-1) is mandated at a 4-1 kid to teacher ratio. Toddler (1-2) is 6-1 and ages 2-4 is 8-1.

I love my Day Care but my 3 year old costs $1950 per month and our newborn will be $2750 per month. So until our older one ages out of day care and into Pre-K a year from now, we’ll be paying $4,700 a month for child care.


lol this country sucks so much that’s literally more than the median post tax household income


If it’s true that the workers make peanuts like Riverman says, then the rest of this post does not really explain why it’s $10,000/mo for 4 infants. How many square feet are 4 infants taking up? Commercial real estate is in the toilet, right? Is the tort insurance making up like half of the cost?

What’s the competition like among daycare businesses?

Is there anything cheaper, that parents just don’t feel comfortable with?

When my kids were still in daycare (pre-pandemic) it was about $2,200 a month. This was for a place that would do like 8:30 to 6:00. With those prices, you’d think there would be a ton of daycares opening up. But in my neighborhood (that has a lots of young families), many of the other options had very limited hours or only did certain days of the week. I think those were essentially for stay-at-home moms that also had full-time nannies and just wanted some time for their kids to play with other kids. Universal pre-K in NYC has been a great program, and they’ve even expanded it to “3-K” in recent years.

White Dudes for Harris update: Mayo Pete, David Hogg, labor leader Jimmy Williams and Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Ben Wickler will all be on the initial call at 8PM ET on Monday

RSVP link upthread: 2024 US Presidential Election - It is Joever (BIDEN OUT, ENDORSES KAMALA) - #5276 by econophile

I’d assume we could find a cheaper option if we were willing to drive to accomodate that. There are at least 3-4 different day cares within a few blocks of ours that all seemed to charge around the same price. We didn’t look around much for a cheaper option because a huge part of the appeal for our current day care is that it’s a block and a half walk from our house.

I don’t have a great understanding of their financials, but it seems like the barrier to entry is low enough that if someone could open up and immediately fill up by charging $300 per month less than their local competitors I assume they would have done it by now.


This a real Twitter is not real life thing. 1000000% any normie person not plugged into the internet has not heard about the couch thing. It’s a joke, an absurd one, everyone’s treating as absurd joke, it’s not going to make any difference, but it’s fun.

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Oh, it is. People don’t like couchfuckers.

PS: How many normies are not plugged into the internet?

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A lot.

Just was at a gathering of friends. All of them follow news at least casually. Only 3 of 9 had heard of the couch fucking thing (me, my wife, and one person who has politics as a job).


And that’s not to mention the countless memes suggesting Vance had intimate relations with a couch in his youth following a disinformation post on social media, made worse by the fact that the Associated Press published an article with the headline “No, JD Vance did not have sex with a couch,” then retracting it because the story “didn’t go through our standard editing process,” according to AP spokesperson Nicole Meir.



And now 9 of 9 have heard of the couch fucking story so nice work!

Once more people have heard of the alleged couch fucking his favorability rating will drop big time.


You must hang with some freaks and weird dudes.
Literally everyone I know is plugged into the internet; incl my 82 yo mother, my retired in-laws etc (tho they’re the only really old people I know).
My middle-aged peer group are absolutely all over shit on their phones. Some worse than the teenagers.

The woman stays home with the kids. No daycare. Duh.