2024 US Presidential Election: 22 More Days

Old thread hit 10k.


CNN making their biggest Trump push yet.

I sent my ballot from abroad today.

It cost 50 koruna (about $2.50) but it’s a price worth paying. Sure as shit wasn’t gonna pay an extra 100 koruna for a tracking number for a vote in New York state. Shouldn’t have to supervise them digitally to make sure they do their job. They should just do it.


Ya. Saw them this morning obsessed with the “gotcha” over Obama saying sexism was partly the reason some black men won’t vote Harris. That statement is as controversial as saying gravity is real but the interviewer kept pushing and the stupid pundit would not answer.

Meanwhile Trump is talking about using the military against political opponents.

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Not loving some of the recent strategy from the Harris team. Up until the debate, I thought they were nailing it.

I personally don’t mind her tacking to the center. Going on Fox News for interviews? Great. But the overt pandering, pretending to be chums with Dick Cheney… eh, not so much. It’s giving me icky, inauthentic vibes. Too calculated.

And on the other side, I’d like to see them go back to painting Trump as a bumbling weirdo. Not that it’s totally in their control, but the narrative around Trump has shifted to his racism and strongman tendencies, and those are sadly not winners for democrats.


Does anyone here use polymarket? I have no experience with polymarket or with crypto, but Kamala at 70% to win popular has me wanting to place some big bets.

They use some weird crypto coin. I would also be curious to know if it’s legit.

70% Harris for popular vote is as close as free money as I have maybe ever seen.

Have we done this recently? What do the Unstuck pundits say?

Who is going to be sworn in as President in 2025?
  • Trump
  • Harris
0 voters

I voted Trump but I’m not confident, I feel it will be very close.

Feels like Trump, sadly. Not seeing the right trends or narratives right now.

Not voting. I truly have no idea.


Not gonna vote because jinx, and also because I just have no fucking idea.

Some days it feels like every voter is a moron who either loves the fascism or is just like “oh GOP is better for economy because reasons and I want cheaper eggs/gas” and WAAF, and other days I feel like all the shitty news/polls are just the media trying to pretend things are close, and pollsters must have overadjusted for the errors after the last two cycles, and Kamala is going to absolutely crush.

Like my feelings on it literally change by the hour, and there’s probably no result that would really surprise me.


Trump blowout would surprise me more than Harris blowout.


That has to be in low single digit probability.


Honestly? At this point if someone could promise me 2016 Jeb for the next four years as long as it meant no risk of another Trump presidency, I might sign for it.


I voted Harris (above, I mean - real vote comes later), but it is a very wary vote. I’m worried that voter suppression and voter roll purges will do significant damage.


The second Joe Biden opened his mouth (and never closed it) in the first debate imo guaranteed a second Trump term in office. The choice was to stay and get beat or drop out and get beat, and he picked the better option. But yeah, Trump is what this country is absolutely craving right now. Things got real shitty when COVID rolled through, and we’re ready to take it out on some marginalized folks, bigly.

So is your belief that an earlier replacement of him or some type of open primary would’ve increased their chances? Or were they dead in the water regardless?

dead either way, sadly. But, much happier to not cast my vote for a potted plant, which I was 100% prepared and willing to do beforehand.

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