2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Kinda weird to me since the term has no ethnic implications in it afaik. I get it’s a political/sociological thing, but it’s really asking for these kinds of misunderstandings

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It does have ethnic meaning though. No metis person would ever call themselves First Nations.

I get the sense that the local reps and town/business management know this. The agitation is coming from the national level, don’t know about Columbus.

I think it comes down to

-does the displacing majority get to label and group the minority groups


-do the groups get label and group themselves.

This is also how various parts of the queer community become segmented and the alphabet descriptor grows. Certainly is easier to just have one category to cover everything non-hetero, but that’s from the viewpoint of being a hetero.

The dominant and quite frankly oppressive group resists this.


That’s not the right analogy.

Better analogy is England Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland are also United Kingdom.


I mean the words themselves put together seem to imply any nation that existed before Western influence

71 is pure insanity. She has to be greater than 97%

Sure and it’s true for the metis for example who didn’t exist before European contact.

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Shocker, this was mentioned here the other day I believe


Did not know that!

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Ladies and gentlemen, the average voter:


Their first rule is good at least.

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The contempt all paid Dem organizers have for voters is hilarious, and basically always implies (rightly or wrongly) that their own jobs are completely meaningless

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And I say this having talked IRL to paid dem organizers at multi-org meetings in 4 very different states, plus more when counting online such as skydiver8

I have not met one who wasn’t itching to bring up VOTERS ARE BAD AND STUPID at every opportunity

Even rule 2 wouldn’t be that bad as long as rule 1 overruled rule 2. Dave McCormick spoke at a trump rally, therefore you should vote Casey.

These people are just the dumbest motherfuckers on the entire planet


lol. You are trying to argue the median American voter isn’t a moron? Good luck with that. Seems all the evidence points in the opposite direction.

The thing you are confusing is you seem to be conflating the fact that the median voter is a moron with them being worthless or worthy of contempt. Why can’t you be a canvasser while holding both the fact that the people you canvas are definitional morons but also worthy of education. Education is the whole point of canvassing.


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