2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

Perrine wasn’t remotely in the area and it’s not clear the ball was impacted. Burrow had been throwing it away like that all game and I was screaming grounding at the TV. Mahomes also did it once or twice. But that one was the most egregious by far.

They’re mad because the flag was on the team they were rooting for.

Weird to focus on one borderline call out of like 10 instances of riggage

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FG was X yards closer.

Just don’t watch while posting here.

Also don’t have a huge rooting interest. As I’m sure you know, that is often filed with stress.

Nah dude. You literally cannot complain about the refs ever again

They kept throwing flags until the chiefs won

As a neutral, this was about as bad as I’ve ever seen a team get jobbed

And I’m a lions fan

As Riverman pointed out

Two holding penalties not called on the mahomes roughing play and two blocks in the back not called on the punt and giving them a third down do over oh that didn’t work phantom DPI on the do over and on and on and on



That sounds about right. I think 100% healthy Mahomes would be a different story. I guess the two weeks to heal will be huge.

I also think that Mahomes not being 100% made the rest of the Chiefs really take their game up a notch. It’s like they knew they couldn’t just fuck around and let Mahomes heroball a win.

And it wasn’t called instantly

Oh let’s talk to sky refs

Ah yes. Let us throw that flag.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: About Moderation

The clip you posted. The RB is 5 yards away from where the ball bounces. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

You’re going to see what you want to see, and even if we accept that he wasn’t “remotely in the area” which I think is very much not certain, we also have that pesky little issue where the defender made contact with Burrow’s elbow as he was throwing, but perhaps that wasn’t hitley enough to count.

This is 8 yards away. The ball is hitting the ground right at this point by the lineman’s feet, and bounces twice.


It’s grounding unless his arm was touched. This isn’t difficult.

2p2 is barely saying anything about rigged, and they hate the Chiefs. This thread is such a histrionic fest every week.

See you at the Super Bowl!

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Grass fire by the parking lot:

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Naah nevermind, everyone know’s what is up :)

Man, I’m just being honest about my emotions right now. I think it’s worse if I hold it in. I’ve stopped physically shaking and my heart rate has gone down. My monitor says my pulse is 129 and my blood pressure is 179/115 and it feels like those have come down vs an hour ago.


If the refs did nothing else but the

Oh you didn’t make it on third down try and
Leading into the lol DPI

That’s enough right there

Add in the multiple soft calls on the bengals the entire second half and the non calls on similar type plays on the chiefs


I understand as a fan of the team it’s hard to see through that lens

As a complete neutral with no financial stake in the game

That’s as bad as it’s ever been. Just straight up cheating to get Mahomey back in the Super Bowl.