2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

Yeah when a pass needs to go 12 yards to get to the receiver, it gets thrown 5 yards, and the QB doesn’t get hit significantly that is and should be intentional grounding.

Why was Torbert staring into space for like 30 seconds before the call. What the fuck was that?


Holding - how does it work?

I would deflect and make light hearted jokes if my team won that game. You chiefs fans are wild.

Oh wait I thought the receiver was in the area? Now we’re acknowledging that I was right and the receiver was not in the area? Ok.

Ball is hitting the ground at the lineman’s feet here. You guys are nuts about 34 being in the area.

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Yeah after the Bengals talking trash all week. Sure.

Lol you Chiefs homer you should just learn to shut up and be happy with your win.

Yes this and only this play is definitely why everyone is saying the refs are bad.

The truth? I think it’s because NY buzzed in the call, which was the correct call. But complete BS that NY decides when to buzz in and when it doesn’t (if that’s what happened).

You see you dumbshits, I’m not a blind homer. I’ll admit when I think something was BS that went my way. But the call was correct. 34 was nowhere near.

You guys have convinced me.

I’m going to pretend we lost and boycott the SB…

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I was talking about the bounce on the ~19yd line. It looks like there was a bounce before that which I didn’t see earlier.

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Gotta cling to the one reaaonbals call, and ignore the 5+ egregious ones people are actually mad about.

people arent mad because of what should or shouldnt be intentional grounding, they are mad because that play hasnt been called intentional grounding for the last 20+ years. i could show you 500 replays of that exact play with no flag

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I admitted the DPI call was super ticky-tack in that spot. And I even admitted the Chiefs came out ahead in refball in this one.

But most of the other calls everyone’s freaking out about were either not that bad, or didn’t impact the game, or both.

What happened was the refs got together and decided there was no receiver in the area and then threw the flag.

Like what happens on 90% of all intentional grounding calls.

They’re all egregious when you don’t like them…

I try to watch sports to have a nice bit of relaxing fun or even escapism, am I just stupid or something?

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LOL.Who cares? The Chiefs are talking mad shit right now. This is just called “sports,” man. It’s white noise.

Two things can both be true: Perrine was “in the area”, and the QB’s throw was impacted by the defender. You only need to pick one out of two for this call to be wrong (it was the wrong call).

Eagles open -2.5 on my book