2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)


More than a couple of tech billionaires have dabbled in longevity research.

It just seems so transparently narcissistic and self-indulgent. I mean say what you want about bill gates, but at least working to prevent malaria helps other people.


I just donate them. Salvation Army and other org are always looking for these kinds of donations. If it’s working they will come by and pick it up. And as a bonus you could claim a tax deduction.

I haven’t actually done this in over 10yrs, though. So it’s possible my info is bit dated.

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It’s possible I am the only one in this thread who finds this interesting, but I’ve always wondered why the perfect tenses in English are called “perfect” and just now I had the presence of mind to google it. The answer is that it comes from the Latin “perfectum”, meaning “complete”. The perfect tenses always refer to completed actions. This is going to make it a lot easier for me to remember what they are.


So I posted this in the Elon thread and caused a major derail.

I was since proven wrong and figure this is the best thread to acknowledge I am wrong and not reopen that derail. He went way to the right in the last decade, my bad.


Hey, thanks for doing this, seriously.

We need more of this kind of aknowledgement when somebody makes a mistake.

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Some radical new trail blazer speaking to right wing polis over here!

(moved to “dealing with deplorables” thread)

Part of me is a little sympathetic for these guys and their inability to fathom their own mortality or the notion that the universie will continue to exist without them.

Are there any churches that focus their missionary efforts in SV? Seems like fertile ground imo.

It’s not 1950, 1970 or even 2000 anymore. We all KNOW the truth behind the senseless murders on our tables. Stuff your face (and even worse, your innocent children’s) with DEAD, FRIGHTENED, HORMONE-FILLED BLOODY FLESH!! Happy thanksgiving hitlers!


Turkeys are a scourge and every dead one should be celebrated. Vegans aren’t doing their part, IMO.


yea tbh I despise birds

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i just read that PRO-CRIME Joe biden pardoned two of those monsters, so they are roaming the streets right now!


My neighborhood had a pack of wild turkeys roaming around last winter, they move in a big group and mostly just waddle through my back yard like they own the place and infuriating my dog.

I have always know wild turkeys to be super skittish. Weird to hear about them being at all aggressive.

I’m not sure why we don’t eat geese for Thanksgiving. Geese are fucking assholes.

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Lol hate Bidden wrong reason.


Oops meant this for LC, sorry


Is Erewhon some elaborate troll or something?