2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

You’re also memed for the rules you break


You know Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead are on his bookshelf.


I haven’t seen that. From a quick scan, it’s not in the patent; there’s no warning time given.

just heard an explosion outside and power went out

Went out and utility guys were looking at a pole on the next street. They said a squirrel got “into” the transformer, which was scorched on the outside. Fix is put a cover on it. RIP squirrel.

Getting a new transformer can take years these days.

Power here was only out for a few seconds. I think the transformer is ok. Squirrel, not so much.

They confirmed their theories by thinking about it, that is the Assani Fisher gold standard. Industry “experts” could never compete with that.


General Macarthur is also remembered for being relieved of command during the Korean War for breaking the rule against insubordination.

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Checklist manifesto is a great book.

Good for any normal Joe who wants a casual overview of world class safety processes to apply to boring stuff like running a call centre.

Probably not the best for actually building a world class safety process. But ymmv


"He then tracked down further intel and got confirmation that there were some loud noises consistent with an implosion, which were caught in the hydrophones all over the Atlantic Ocean. "

Is that what lost Truman the election to Ike in ‘52? I have no idea but it seems vaguely familiar from back when History Channel showed stuff besides reality tv.

Truman choose not to run in 1952.

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Part of a long thread with links to background stuff including audio and video. They would have been able to roughly locate the sound source but probably wouldn’t have tried until they knew there was a reason to.


We can still be aghast at the expenditure behind the drive for epistemological certainty when not half as much effort was put in to save migrants in the Mediterranean who were way more accessible.

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Feels weird to fully agree with Jesse Kelly but that is, in fact, a really fucking dumb question.


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I like how he tried to insult Whoopi Goldberg by implying that she somehow would crush a grape more explosively than most people.

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Y’all about to make me unsub from this thread.


I actually had that same thought…until I realized that it probably takes more psi to crush steel vs. causing a pressurized vessel to implode.