2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

It does seem more weird with sea life these days in the water. Its more spooky this time of year with all the dolphins, seals, birds, fish out everywhere. Seals seem more suspect of everything in the ocean and more confrontational instead of just swimming past you. People have been talking at my spot about how the seals seem more territorial and more interested in what you’re doing.

Last week I was in Ventura and a seal came out of nowhere straight for one surfer, he paddled around a bit and we all thought the seal was gone, then the seal appeared from underwater super aggressive right next to the dude and people started screaming because it looked like he was about to attack him, and the guy ended up having to paddle in and the seal followed him all the way to waist deep water. Never seen anything like that before.

Not clicking Twitter links, is this about the flashing trend? It amuses me. I also like the viral “can you find the cat?” pictures, this is like that except the cat is a nipple.

Maybe the marine life is coming to understand we are responsible for the climate changing and theyre pissed

Its women making odd noises or saying phrases as different types of donations come in.

Like, a $.30 donation is ice cream and she say “Mmm, yum, ice cream” and it goes on like that for quite a while

Hmmm. I’ll stick with the flashing trend.

we can all work on it together :vince1:

communication breakdown, it drives Insane moms for liberty insane! wat

Happy San Diego Pride! Yes, ours is in July. That way it’s not gloomy or raining AND everyone who had theirs in June can come party with us again!

Nothing like 250,000 people coming to a parade with over 300 contingents. To give you an idea, we were #19, left the start at 10:30. It’s now 2:20, I’m at home (an hour drive) and showered, and the last groups are JUST NOW leaving the starting point of the parade.


I don’t understand how things are priced? Whole new wall switch with face plate and electrical receptor is $2.49. Wtf. I can’t buy a pop for that.

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In his response, Cameron said he doesn’t “respond to offensive rumors in the media usually, but I need to now.”

“I’m NOT in talks about an OceanGate film, nor will I ever be,” he concluded in the brief missive.

It didn’t really make sense.


What’s the mass of either

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Cameron confirned working on OceanGate film

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This is the closest thing to religious I’ve ever seen.


Is there a true crime thread?


Sheeeeeesh. That’s a tough read

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Additionally, hair believed to be from Heuermann’s wife was found on or near three of the murder victims

This is how they’d get me


Me too. That shit gets everywhere.


The combo of my wife’s hair and mine (longer guy hair and a big beard) is overwhelming. I vacuum the bathroom floor everyday. Keep a little hand vacuum sitting on the shelf in there just for hair cleanup. Add in 2 dogs that shed a lot and the battle is never ending.


There’s distracted, and then there’s this.