2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I would totally do that on like my 19th jump.

I cannot do any hobby or job that requires 100% focus and has a gigantic penalty for stupid mistakes.

I walk back-and-forth to the gym. I have a checklist of stuff that I have to remember to bring with me. But of course after a few weeks of remembering everything, I stop looking at the checklist. Or I look at it and my eyes just glaze over. And then I show up at the gym without my towel or my elbow straps.


That’s a spicy take

You say this as though one could doubt the wisdom of Jonny Bigballs.


comrade Reed writes for the masses

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Depends on what is meant by huge. Travel lifestyle bloggers suck.

So that scene from Point Break where Keanu Reeves jumps from the plane with no parachute and grabs onto Swayze and pulls his rip cord was bullshit?

There’s a YouTube video of someone doing this for real

Aren’t there also people who’ve survived free falls when their parachutes didn’t open?


Without hooking themselves together?

Utah did hurt his knee allowing Bodhi to escape so it wasn’t exactly the perfect landing but I’m talking about clinging to the other person and pulling the rip cord and then hanging on to them until you land.

Maybe someone has tried it but the person is wearing a parachute so if you slip out you could potentially pull your chute? That would be cool enough. Good luck finding someone to agree to be the person to catch you lol

Travis Pastrana jumped without a chute, can’t remember if he latched on to someone mid fall or if he met up with another jumper and got a parachute from them.

I remember this being a big deal a few years ago. 25,000 feet with no chute is so insane.



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Or just take the other guy’s:

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It’s quite obvious that they could have caught that lunatic 10 years ago if the original investigators were even remotely trying. How hard could it have been to find a white male who is ~6’5" and in his forties who drives an uncommon car when two people have seen him up close? You have literally eliminated like 99% of men on height alone. An hour at the DMV to identify him?

Is there a non paywalled version?