2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Gonna be an all day discussion panel with lots of videos coming out today and beyond. Really curious for their comments on West’s candidacy.







How does a pair of eyeglasses cost $930?!?

They might be the highest margin item sold?

Can’t be more than $50 in cost.

People are willing to pay a lot for a slightly nicer looking pair of glasses because they wear them everyday for years right in the middle of their face

I just got a pair of glasses from Zenni delivered in the mail yesterday. They were $22.89. I have a pair that I use for computer distance and a separate pair for distance distance. I prefer that anyway, and it’s also a lot cheaper than progressives.

Wtf. We don’t have anything like that here I don’t think.

Prescription you mean? For $30?

You don’t have Warby Parker or EyeBuyDirect?

Zenni is on the internet, so I think you have it there.

I went to a cheap place and got a prescription. I think it was like $80, but they do it free for 3 years. Then I escape the eye care place without buying glasses and order them online.

Never heard of them.

You get prescription glasses for $30!?!?

Wow. Ok I’ll look.

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These are very plain. It might be a little extra for astigmatism, but my prescription is not very severe and I said no to literally every extra (whatever coatings or shadings or anything like that).

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:heavy_plus_sign: on the Zennis. They have some decent looking frames at a really good price. They don’t necessarily feel extremely well built or anything, but I do wear these every day for roughly 2 years and they are still holding up. I need to snag a second pair before my glasses rx expires just in case I lose or break them.

In recent years, the entrepreneur and inventor Ray Kurzweil has been the biggest champion of the Singularity. Mr. Kurzweil wrote “The Age of Intelligent Machines” in 1990 and “The Singularity Is Near” in 2005, and is now writing “The Singularity Is Nearer.”

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That only explains the frames. There are huge margins on the lenses too.

With respect to the frames, Luxottica basically has a monopoly on eyeglass frames. Most of the frames that you see at stores are made by Luxottica. Either brands that they own or brands that they have a license to manufacture frames for.

It owns a lot of the retailers so they can markup lenses as well.

Capitalism. More specifically, Luxottica.


My wife gets prescription glasses $50-$150 from eyebuydirect.ca

This is making me sick.

How did I spend $930!


You didn’t get UV protection? I’m cheap AF too, but that seems like a no brainer. Although I’m kind of looking forward to cataract surgery some day. Apparently they can just put in a brand new lens which can potentially make glasses and contacts unnecessary.

I guess if you don’t wear them outside and wear shades instead, that’s fine.