2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I wonder if this accident will depress the OceanGate pricing. If it gets down to 230 grand I may have to give it a whirl.


The split guys always motion to the line judge by pointing either forward or back, to signify line or backfield

But yeah itā€™s only for a moment

Also I guess itā€™s not mandatory that they do that. Pats probably didnā€™t do it on their trick play

Iā€™m one of the ā€œwill never own a homeā€ millenials

You could give me a structurally sound house free and clear in a neighborhood and city I adored, with property taxes, maintenance, and landscaping covered for life, and I would still not get in a submarine

Unless maybe I was allowed ungodly amounts of Xanax/Valium/whatever

How pumped full of meds do we think the plutocrats in the Titanic sub were?

Or are they all too psychopathic to be bothered by the experience

Imagine not tipping the staff at your own restaurant lol. Their whole spiel is so egregious. If servers are making $25 an hour than fine their plan works but if they are making minimum wage no sorry.

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What does RFK Jr think of this submarine hoopla? Thatā€™s what I want to know.

This is my attempt at a completely original thought


Found a similar one.

was in Denver a few weeks ago and now Iā€™m wondering if I did the same.

Ate here:

lul I found the receipt and they charged a 22% CHP (creating happy people) Fee. Only have a vague recollection of the server saying anything about it.

It takes certain traits to be a good server. But yeah plenty of people can do it.

I had jury duty today. Ended up being a murder trial and was one of the first people called in. Said I would trust a police officerā€™s word less than an average citizen on the stand, and got booted. Felt kinda bad since it wasnā€™t 100% true, I just didnā€™t want to be responsible for deciding someoneā€™s fate at that level. I was a nervous wreck.


Cannot do it. Would rather be in the dish pit.

I say that from experience!

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May I serveth you, mā€™lord?

Yeah, Iā€™m into that. :randy:

FOH and BOH are as segregated as Alabama in the 1950s :joy:


Iā€™ve finally come around to this way of thinking when it comes to stores asking if Iā€™d like to make a donation to charity at checkout. Your fucking company makes billions of dollars a year and youā€™re asking US to donate? Fuck off.

I still sometimes say yes when Iā€™m asked if I want to round up (I got nailed for a 99-cent round-up once), but Iā€™ve been starting to mostly say no on donations (well, maybe yes if I get a grocery tote).

They do it in order to pay less taxes, and the charity is guaranteed grift and youā€™re better off using an RNG to pick a charity to give it too, even with the sea of grifting charities


ā€œWould you like to give a dollar to help starving military familiesā€

Yes but Iā€™m not going to use the Arbyā€™s drive thru to do so

Having no shame when politely saying No, with no other words offered, is one of my proudest achievements


Especially when they just had the nerve to demand NINE DOLLARS from me for two lousy classic roast beefs sans fries or drink. Why donā€™t you give them a dollar asshole!

That person is just doing a shitty job and that doesnā€™t make them an asshole.

Yeah I never work up any shame or self disappointment. I rationalize it as it may very well be a good cause but I donā€™t have the due diligence on that and I already give to vetted outlets. Plus the person or machine asking could care less.

I do feel guilty when the local high schoolers deliver sonic to cars to pay for a class trip and way over tip though. Might be a leak.