2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)


corporations are people my friend

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This was enormously funny when I initially thought you were responding to suzzer’s post


I mean, I kinda support jailing the owners of the company. Might as well throw cruel and unusual punishment on the rap sheet as well

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I think we should send another thousand billionaires down in these things so we have a bigger sample size before we draw conclusions that it’s not safe.


they have likely already been dead for a few days too, but gotta justify that $800B military budget somehow. no money for education tho

From Pogue What it's like inside the missing Titan submersible : NPR

Seems unreliable.

My trip was not smooth. We made it 37 feet down and then they ran into a mechanical problem and we had to abort the dive. I was devastated, and crushed, and did not see it coming. But I have since learned that these dives rarely go to plan. With each of these expeditions that OceanGate makes, they spend five days over the [Titanic] shipwreck. And typically of those five days, they managed to get down only once or twice. And this season it’s been zero.


We got in-depth tours of the Titan itself inside and outside. We learned the parts of it. There really is no safety gear in there except for a fire extinguisher and fire masks, which we practiced putting on and taking off. That’s pretty much it, because there’s not much you can do if something goes wrong.

What you can do is rise to the surface. And there are seven different ways to return to the surface. Just redundancy after redundancy. They can drop sandbags, they can drop lead pipes, they can inflate a balloon, they can use the thrusters. They can even jettison the legs of the sub to lose weight. And some of these, by the way, work even if the power is out and even if everyone on board is passed out. So there’s sort of a dead man’s switch such that the hooks holding on to sandbags dissolve after a certain number of hours in the water, release the sandbags and bring you to the surface, even if you’re unconscious.

If these failsafes worked they could be on the surface but not able to communicate.


At one point in 2021, Jasmine Sharma was so exasperated with her low tips at the Jon & Vinny’s restaurant in Fairfax that she learned to approach almost every diner with what she dubbed her “monologue.”

“Hi, all. Here is the check. Take your time, no rush at all.” She said she’d seek to explain an 18% service fee added to the check to each customer. “If you do want to leave an additional tip, it is more than appreciated, not required,” she would say.

Sometimes people would hear Sharma out. Other times they were too tipsy to listen. Often, she got a question: “What do you mean you’re not getting the tip?”

I’m fine with the idea of converting to a Europe-like system and paying servers well. But this 18% “service charge” that goes straight to the company and everyone thinks is a mandatory gratuity is complete BS.

I saw one of these in Denver over the weekend. I gave the server a few bucks on top of it. Now I’m worried I stiffed her.

“Ten years ago, we recognized that the traditional tip model rewarded some employees, but left many employees behind – creating a huge disparity where some employees did very well and others did not,” the group said in a statement. The service fee, it added, “not only unquestionably benefits hourly employees, but it is unquestionably legal, having been vetted by independent leading professionals in the hospitality industry.”

Such smarmy BS. They know exactly what they’re doing. They’re raising prices while sneaking it an as what looks like a tip.

Why not just raise prices? Oh here’s some ChatGPT nonsense for you:

In a frequently asked questions section, Jon and Vinny’s responds to a query of “Why not just increase food prices?”

“At its core, the service charge is about driving change in our industry — helping ensure our business can thrive in challenging economic environments and compensating each member of our team in a more equitable way – in a way that uniformly increasing our food prices doesn’t allow for,” the page says.


So it all goes directly to employees right?

According to a review by the Times, the company’s payment and accounting system treats the service charge as a revenue line item on checks, and there is no way to directly track the flow of service charge revenue to payroll. Instead, the revenue functions just like revenue at any other business, contributing to total revenue, which is used to pay out payroll costs.


Through a spokesperson, the restaurant group — including partners Jon Shook, Vinny Dotolo and Helen Johannesen, well-known figures in the L.A. culinary community — denied the claims.

About a week before her last day, she said she served Shook at Jon & Vinny’s in Beverly Hills. He showed up with a man and ordered zucchini spaghetti and pizza. It appeared to be a business meeting, she said.

After the meal, she said, Shook didn’t leave a tip.


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My bet is on they are stuck on something. A reporter for CBS news went down there yeara ago and was recounting his trip on Piers Morgan. They got stuck under one of the propellors for over an hour. He said that he has covered wars, been to both of the Earth’s poles, been in blizzards and natural disasters and that was the first time he told himself “this is it, this is how your life ends.”

I never encourage anyone to watch Piers Morgan, but his tale is harrowing as fuck. It starts at 7:00 if you want as little Piers as possible.

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Absolute scam, we should 100% be on a European system. Raise your food prices. If people stop coming and you cant make it as a business, maybe you arent meant to. Its not my responsibility to pay your staff.


IMO the really fucked up thing about the tipping system is the fact that the back of the house has people making minimum wage working much harder than the servers. And those jobs typically require more skill. I was a waiter in and after college making crazy money and my only qualifications were I was tall, white, and well-spoken.

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Women have it even tougher (or better, as the case may be) on this front


My understanding is that the searchers have quite good surface detection capabilities. And they have a known start point and little maneuverability so it wouldn’t be hard to find.

somehow the food in Europe is still cheaper than America despite the worker in US being paid slave wages, i was getting amazing meals in Italy for less than the prices of Chilis back home.

That could explain the sounds that have been picked up, if they were trying to break free.

I can’t find it atm but I saw a tweet from someone associated with OceanGate basically threatening government officials that they “have their names” if they don’t come through with assets for the search/rescue.

Maybe so. Pogue didn’t think so but he may not really know.

I mean, the waves are six feet high. It’s all whitecaps. The sub itself is white. I don’t know how an airplane is going to expect to find it in hundreds of miles of rough seas.