2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

About 85% of the casual dining places I frequent let you add a tip when you use Apple Pay or credit card. I tip generously.

The other 15% have a cash jar. I feel bad for the employees, but I rarely have any $1s on me and I’m not going to ask for change of my $20 just to tip (I put my cash in my phone case and it has room for 2-3 folded up bills max). Their bosses really need to fix that shit.

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The electronic tipping often goes to the owner, not the staff

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It fucking better not.


This doesn’t reduce the company’s taxes.

Can you explain? I thought charitable corporate giving was only done for tax purposes.

Acting as a pass through for customers’ donations (even if those customers donated in response to prompting) doesn’t generate a tax deduction.

Regressive tax on the poor, somewhat tho?


It seems some reasons these giant corporations do this include

  • fulfilling dollar amount pledges already made in the past by the corporation (CVS was sued for this) that they later decided they didn’t want to give from their own funds or loans

  • the money often does not immediately go to the charity, and is held by the corporation for whatever period of time they want

  • charity fundraisers pressure the corporations into doing this, similar to how the Breast Cancer grifters basically has an intimidation racket going for years. It’s not a huge deal for the corporation to set it up, but negative PR from refusing could be bad

  • good intentions (lol)

  • they can make an advertisement saying they raised $n for charity

  • in-law of executive? Lol

Most people don’t feel great when asked at the register, especially when it’s a person audibly asking them, face to face, others may hear, etc

So something has to be in it for the corporation to make their customer experience unpleasant


They are going to run out of air before anyone gets hungry enough to resort to cannibalism. I’m not saying they won’t kill and eat each other anyway, but it won’t be because they are starving.

The possibility that they’re alive in the sub at the bottom of the ocean is terrifying to begin with, but then it occurred to me that maybe they lost power and it’s completely dark in the sub, and that is giving me chills every time I think of it.

It’s gotta be some Lord of the Flies shit in there, right?

Maybe morbid but I wonder if anybody thought about keeping cyanide capsules or equivalent onboard for this circumstance. Or at least something that would knock you out before the air started to get really bad. But maybe you just fall asleep at some point. Anyway I hope they’re not going to suffer too much.

I think about it and start to fill with sheer panic but then it’s like my brain says “nope” and I just stop.

Lord of the flies is a lie and when something similar happened the kids were pretty chill. Humanity evolved to be fairly social and it’s something we’re decent at (at least in small, tribal societies).

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I’m not liking that.

In the movie Contact, Jodie Foster was offered cyanide capsules, just in case, when she was getting her final briefing before going through the wormhole. As I recall, she refused.