2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

This is a tiny box filled with some of the richest people on the planet. I don’t think the “small tribal society” model is going to fill the gaps.

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This is technically a spoiler. Check the tape! Or better, read the book.

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I need to go back and read the book to see if it holds up. I read it in middle school and massively improved my opinion nascent opinions on science, scientist as a profession, and especially Sagan.

can you imagine if 1 (or more) of them completely lost it? in that confined space? you’re trying to remain calm, take purposeful breaths to conserve oxygen, and a guy sitting so close to you that your legs are touching, has been a crying, babbling, panicked mess for hours. breathing up all the oxygen even as you beg him to stop and calm down…

i’m > 50% to kill him.


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Like De Niro’s character in The Deer Hunter

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It’s crazy that iceberg is still racking up points against humans to this day.


yikes omg yes.

twitter got me wondering if they all decided to die so 1 of them could have more oxygen (which apparently wouldn’t matter anyway, as decomposition immediately would start using oxygen), how would they go about killing themselves with nothing onboard?

just choke the guy to your left?

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I hadn’t read it until a few years ago. Sagan was underrated as a writer imo. The movie was good but the book had a couple of twists I didn’t expect.

Final question at trivia:


I was wearing a Nebraska t-shirt at the time.

We won. Only one other team had the correct answer.

Edit: I forgot to mention our team name. Our usual name is “Full Boat of Fools” (we met playing bar poker). Last week was “Full Boat of Indictments”. This week was “Full U-boat of Fools”.

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I read it could’ve been a catastrophic failure of some sort

Foregoing some inspection. Crushed like a grape by Poseidon

This is absolutely a possibility. They may have been in pitch blackness for days. The whole thing is just pure nightmare fuel. I hate the ocean as is, being stuck at the bottom with no lights would likely break my mind.

That kind of stress absolutely has the ability to destroy someones sanity. Its very unlikely that they are rescued but if they are, it wouldnt be surprising if one or more are fucked up for life.

Havent checked your spoiler yet.

My first thought was Austin but it seems like that would be higher than 73, maybe Omaha?


Don’t forget that the first 30 seconds of that Celine Dion song might also be playing on loop.


correcting an earlier article which stated he asked her to shit on him. we apologize for the error.


Omaha doesn’t have the capitol.

You know, one thing I haven’t heard mentioned about this massive search and rescue for billionaires is how are we going to pay for it?

