2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

I mean the republicans are actually openly pro genocide. In theory Dems should be against it.

Good luck trying to convince a Republican not to kill brown people to bring forth the glorious coming of Our Lord and Savior. It’s like the two things they want, together, at once. The President of Columbia got asked if she wanted God to curse the university for not supporting Israel 100%.

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For Clovis I mean I dunno what were all the famous protests during Vietnam hoping for their universities to do? Protests bring attention at the very least, to the cause.

You do sound very much old man yelling or old conservative man yelling “why don’t you protest more effectively or somewhere it doesn’t cause a headache for people etc etc”

Let’s not pretend like this is a calculated decision. They’re wusses and are afraid of them.

The protests might be worth a separate thread. Anyways, as mentioned the actual on-campus protests seem peaceful.



lol as if I was saying don’t give people a headache. I’m saying they are giving the wrong people a headache.

They’re all just practicing for the 2024 DNC so they can make Biden look bad and cost him the election.

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I’m talking about minimizing the way a Jewish student may feel.

When the daily wire goes to campus we don’t minimize any other group of people that feel unsafe.

I mean maybe this makes me an asshole but I kinda feel like we should. Like if you have there wherewithal to make it to university and some dipshit right wing troll saying ‘I identify as an attack helicopter lololol’ can make you feel unsafe you should honestly pull yourself together a bit imo.

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Lol, really thinking of heading back down to the lawn and telling those kids if they really want to make a difference to go protest down at the Israeli consulate, the one place where they will be taken seriously. Like when those Seattle protests ended the WTO.

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Thank you for making my point clearer

The Columbia students are not going to stop anything in Gaza but everything else that’s suggested they do is even more futile. Some one on Twitter suggested they write letters to their senators instead of protesting :slightly_smiling_face:


If they can just bide their time for 6 more months they will have an opportunity to vote for the slightly less genocidal political party!


If not every single person in Gaza is killed or expelled it’s going to be true that more could have been killed or expelled and it’s likely that something USA has done to pressure Israel to stop (in addition to supplying weapons obv) will have had an impact on that and it’s certainly possible that the college protests impact that and I think a lot more than letters to Senators which get no public attention.


They’re college kids, give them a break. They see something wrong in the world, know that the college they pay tens of thousands of dollars to attend has a vague connection to it through investments, and want to express their displeasure at that. Criticizing them for not being maximally effective misses the mark imo. At 20 I was more worried about getting drunk and skipping class, so I say good for them.

I’m not a historian but I assume college protests helped advance public opposition to the war in Vietnam so it’s not like they’ve never made a difference.


It’s been a while since I studied this stuff, but I think increases in public opposition to Vietnam correlated to casualties.

Yes, this is the big irony here - there is a real change happening and these kids are at the vanguard of it. And this particular protest is clearly having an impact! Such a strange time to roll your eyes. I don’t get it.

Another irony - at Columbia at least, I think there have actually been meaningfully less protest activity this year then normal. There is usually some kind of protest on campus every other day when I walk through. Famously in September at the welcome events for our new president, the whole affair was interrupted by at least three different protests. Since October, however, campus seems to be restricted to affiliates only every other day - basically anytime anyone on campus utters the word “Palestine” they bring out the checkpoints.

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I wonder whose kids go to these schools. I wonder where successful national direct action movements are typically cultivated throughout history or how civil disobedience gains traction. I wonder if ivy league colleges are centers of power. If only there was any history at all to read about and this was an earnest discussion with any self-awareness. Anyway I agree that there should be a separate thread or maybe even forum to quarantine lengthy discussions on why these protest aren’t worth talking about. Tiktok and stuff my 401k.

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Difficult to say. They arguably helped bring about Nixon/Reagan, especially Regan, who cracked down a lot at Berekely and increased his bonafides with conservatives and the working class.

There were lots of college protests in 68, and Vietnam didn’t end until 75–Nixon was implying he’d end it in 68, at least during the campaign.

Also, protests are more sympathetic when the protestors are against having to fight in a war they may oppose in contrast to protests against the actions of a long-term ally, even if the ally’s actions are improper.

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