2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Improper lmao


Good article.

The video of the ā€œI was stabbed in the eye because Iā€™m Jewishā€ shows at most it was an accidental poke from a guy waving a one of this tiny handheld flags


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Canā€™t read past the paywall or whatever but seems bad in what I read, the left is gonna give the election to trump!

Iā€™m friends with a few Israelis on FB and they really do not like these these Columbia protests. This is a normal response right? Translated from Hebrew

I think the paywall doesnā€™t apply if linked on Twitter.


Lol Ukrainian flag in bio. Sending a hundred billion a year to a grubby conflict half the world away drakeyep caring about massacred Palestinian children yawnorama.

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Below average to what youā€™d hear at any conversation here. Iā€™ll try to explain how things look from my POV. Hope i wont regret it.

I dont really expect people here to understand the impact of oct 7th on the ā€œaverageā€ Israeli. Yesterday was Passover Seder dinner. My family went to my brother-in-lawā€™s parents. His sister, husband and 3 children are from the Gaza Envelope (or were, as they obviously cannot return). Their house burnt and they survived by being on vacation on oct 7th.

The sister burst into tears multiple times during the reading of the Hagada, which of course prompted everyone to start crying.

130 hostages are still in actual hell. I walk by their families nearly every day in their ā€˜protestā€™ area in Tel Aviv. Itā€™s heartbreaking.

Is it worse in Gaza? Of course. I just donā€™t know how much capacity the average human (in this case average Israeli) has to take in the horrors in Gaza while still deaing with their own on going trauma.

Iā€™ll also say that for almost every Jew in Israel (and i mean over 98% easily) the word Zionist means having a right to exist as a nation. For most Americans the word Zionist means wanting to kick off / kill all Palestinians. It makes it very hard to explain the protests to Israelis without them feeling its an actual attack on their existence, as far fetched as it may sound to you.


For example there are huge ongoing protests against Bibiā€™s government for 2 years. You see ads, billboards and campaigns against him every single day. The polls show that the majority of the citizens think heā€™s unfit to run the country.

Almost no one participating in these protests would endorse the protests in Columbia (just as an example).

Someone should tell this guy that the USA did have a kinda famous terrorist attack, and proceeded to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people as a result of it. And yet the killing of those innocent people was also protested!


How do they talk about American Jews participating in pro-Palestinian protests?

I dont think anyone cares. Like i tried to emphasize, the idea of non/anti Zionist Jew is so foreign to Israelis that it doesnt even cross their mind. It only exist in any real numbers in certain extreme factions of the ultra orthodox community (which is completely alien to most of us).

I guess it might be similar to how a black BLM protester would react to Candece Owens or whatever her name is. Maybe some care i dont want to talk for anyone else, but i assume its more white right wingers who give a fuck.


Is this an actual thing or like a de mimimus thing that requires no explanation? I would expect the latter.

There are Jewish students who have been arrested and who are organizers as part of the Columbia protests.

Dozens of people spontaneously combust every year.

Thanks for this.

This matches a lot of what I read on LinkedIn.

Itā€™s really hard, because that sort of response is completely understandable. It takes a LOT of maturity as an individual as a society to take suffering and experience like that and find a way not to centre your own suffering at the expense of others.

That maturity doesnā€™t exist in most countries.

Of course the answer canā€™t be deciding policy on the understandable reaction of one group to their suffering.

Iā€™m in no means talking about policy makers here. CS04 showed a response from a random Israeli on Facebook.

While i got ridiculed for my post on a neighboring forum, i do think that its important to try and have empathy as oppose to assume an entire race is or had become nothing but genocidal maniacs who are predisposed to killing kids (although a frighteningly big number of them arent far off).

Iā€™m not taking the ā€œwhy are they protesting thereā€ route. Protesting is important. Stopping the war is important. Releasing the hostages is important. Reigniting the 2 state solution or any soltution is important. They should protest wherever they can. But itā€™s utterly impossible to get support from ā€œleftistā€ or ā€œmoderateā€ israelis as long as the premise of the protets are ā€œend zionismā€. Perhaps itā€™s irrelevant for most and they see it as trying to get support from Apartheid South Africa regime. I hope its not the case for selfish and unsefish reasons.

[edit - my kids spilled water all over my laptop, although neither of them admits it. So currently having to type these walls of texts on my iphone and im sure the grammar/spelling is awful. My apologies]


And i imagine that its pretty easy to find enough examples of genuine antisemitism mixed into these things to dismiss them all out of hand if you have a mind to. I personally think it doesnt apply to the vast majority of protestors but youā€™d have to be crazy to suggest that it isnt the motivation for some significant (in the p test sense) amount of people at these things.

The vicious cycle of persecution leading somewhat understandably to seeing all criticism through the lens of persecution and therefore as invalid. No feedback can penetrate the bubble because anyone can be dismissed. And if you act without any recognition of outside criticism generally that leads to actions which are further criticised strengthening the initial conclusion. Its classic cult stuff like Q or whatever but how can you decultify an entire nation? Especially when plenty of antisemitism is actually occuring.


This is one of those things the irony is so on point that you almost have to believe is made up, like those stories about professors of Christian theology sending their students across campus to attend a lecture of Jesusā€™ teachings and passing people in need


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s satire.