2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

We’re drifting into “I was scared for my life” territory where a Jewish student will shoot and kill a brown person, and it’ll be deemed self defense.


The reporting is really muddled. As far as I can tell mainstream press is reporting anything and everything as campus violence. The other reporting I saw said specifically the on Columbia campus protests were peaceful, but some off campus people did make threats.

Almost everything I have seen on the news this week is visibly taking place off campus on Broadway or Amsterdam Ave. I was on campus Wednesday just before the arrests were made and it wasn’t a scene at all. There were some tents. I would have hardly noticed if they didn’t have security set up requiring IDs to enter campus. Which they have been doing all week.


This is going to sound like an old man rant but I genuinely don’t understand these students getting arrested at their university for protesting about Gaza. Like what power does Yale have in the Middle East? Why are they not protesting at the Israeli consulate. When we were protesting the WTO we all went to Seattle.

The Columbia protest is a divestment protest I believe

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The goal of the South Africa protests back in the 80s when I was in school was also divestment.

Let’s not use right wing talking points to minimize what Jewish students may or may not feel on campus.

Ok but is divestment really the top of the triage right now?

I mean if the president of the USA can’t get Israel to stop it’s holocaust what chance do a bunch of students have? It’s in the realm of possibility that they might just be able to stop a few people eating sabra hummus.

I’m struggling to see the line from some university divesting to immediate help for Gazans. The idea behind divestment is long term economic pressure on a corporation. How does Yale not investing in some Israeli company impact policy in Gaza.

I guess if I also saw huge protests at the capital and Israeli consulate then I guess it would make some tertiary sense.

I mean clearly there isn’t one. But if you’re a student on tik tok all day seeing children getting blown up and hearing about the drones that play the sounds of children screaming to trick people into leaving their homes to help and then murdering them you want to do something to show your distaste even if it’s ultimately pointless.

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I know USA keeps sending money and weapons, but I really don’t think many people would have guessed that the USA would have even done the little it has done and it’s quite possible that it’s had an impact on Israel and the people’s reaction is part of that and the student protests are part of that.

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Protest at the capital :person_shrugging:

Too far. They don’t care that much.

For those who, like me, had not come across that story

As with all atrocities, we may not believe it without further corroboration. But the uncontested facts in that story include machine gunning a refugee camp… So there’s that

I mean the Venn diagram of people prepared to risk their lives to save dying children and hardened Hamas fighters has to just be a circle right?


The kids are allright.


They’re embracing school history.



Or here me out, protest a republican… because for some reason, they seem to overwhelmingly target Democrats.