2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Lots of rumors about a possible Israeli attack in Iran and Iraq

Not sure how good of a source this is:



Eta - israeli channels went live now (its 4:30 am). Seems legit

Who or what would the IDF be attacking in Iraq?

Sooooo, war?


The reports are an airport and a military base in a city ive never heard of. Exactly the same targets that iran hit in israel

Again no clue but the talking heads are saying the idea is that each response will be smaller than the previous until both sides can end it without admitting defeat.

Humans are the worst

Fuck me this does not look good.

Apparently Iran is claiming that Drones were sent from Israel as a retaliation, but the explosion was an activation of the Air Defense system and not missiles from Israel.

Iran is claiming they shot down 3 drones and no weapons hit the base. That might be expected but also good response as they claim no missiles were even fired so maybe no further response needed. Everyone wins (or lose).

Need a new pair of underwear now.

From all im reading and gathering i think theres a good chance this is pretty much over. Bibi will sell to his minions that this was a decisive and important response to iran’s attack. Iran will sell their people that the pathetic zionist attempt was easily handled without any damage and everyone declares victory.

All things considered it might be a reasonable ending



Meh. Seems fairly standard no response so far. Major media outlet already have unnamed sources confirming the “attack”. To be fair it does seem like a very isolated and small response on a singular target unlike what was initially reported.


Finally Americans can focus on the thing that they love to do, litigating Ivy League campus politics.

Got an email in the middle of the night from the Columbia President saying that all classes are moved online today and strongly encouraging us to stay home. Have no idea what they have planned for today.

This does look like an Onion article picture of a troll



America, finally in its safe space of arguing about 19 year olds instead of far off foreign places.

Have there been actual attacks on Jewish students? It seems mostly it’s just everyone saying there could be attacks and they are scared - seems an easy way to demonize any protestors.