2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Doesn’t the total failure mean Iran has to try again or risk looking foolish?

Hard to see this being the end of it.

Yeah I was wondering that, probably don’t plan for your enemy to feel “euphoric” after your revenge attack but guess the true test for them is how people in Iran/etc felt about it.

The costs are so asymmetrical saw the defense cost > 1 billion dollars of missile/fuel and the drones cost Iran like 20k so maybe potentially still be some form of deterrent even if they get shot down. I’m sure the Iranian ballistic missiles more expensive but the special stuff intercepting them probably cost 10x more than what they shooting down.

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yeah, it would be pretty brilliant of them to fuck up the already fucked economy here. But i can’t imagine Iran doing additional attacks on Israel unless there’s an Israeli response.

Also very interesting from a geo-politcal aspect is the help Israel got from Jordan.

eta - it’s not only the billions that the aerial defense cost, but also billions down in the stock market, in shutting down airports/schools/work places etc.


This will just make voters angrier at Biden and is good news for Trump.


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I don’t have a good handle on how freely information flows in Iran, but they could easily propaganda spin this into a huge blow struck by Iran to look strong to the Iranian people.


Israeli media is quoting WSJ and ABC saying an Israeli response might happen tonight.

I have heard an Israeli refer to this person as a trusted journalist, but she was also on the list for a right wing Israeli party and has written for Breitbart.


She is not a journalist. She is a “funny conservative” which for some reason are never funny

Yeah, I thought I needed to reevaluate the person who cited her.

Coordinating a meek response that can be hailed as a PR victory while mostly avoiding real damage and loss of life and further escalation? Bad, treating war as a game

Using xbox controllers to drop bombs on civilians miles away? Very good, not a game at all




Until Israel gets push back from the US they’ll be able to continue on with, at a minimum, slow burn ethnic cleansing. The US helps the local dictators keep a lid on their anti Israel sentiment as well



Biden gunning for that Nobel

This feels a bit…is desperate the right word?


Desperate to the outside for sure, but its been circling in israel since tuesday and every person ive met since was talking about it. Great for increasing support on additional military operation

Are they saying that it means claims of famine and suffering are lies or are they saying it’s proof that there’s not enough suffering?