2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

So, besides being scared to death, what does the average Israeli think of all of this:

  1. I can’t believe these fuckers are attacking us, we only blasted their embassy because they were supporting Hamas
  2. Well, we blasted their embassy, obviously they’re going to do something to retaliate
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Estimation given in the media here is between 100-150 drones and small number of cruise missiles currently on their way.

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Fuck. Stay safe, Yuv.


Reports in Saudi Arabia are that both UK (flying from Cyprus) and US planes have started taking down drones in Syria as well.



Balistic missiles launched from Iran now. Those hit within 10-12 minutes. Apparently aiming towards the military bases in Southern Israel (as well as Dimona nuclear facility)

Sure sounds like Iran wants this to be the end of it. Hopefully, Netanyahu plays along.

This does look like a relatively theatrical attack much like the response to the assassination of Soleimani.

Kinda feels that way but also how do we even decide that? Like would have been much different outcome if they weren’t shooting ballistics missiles down in space or having multiple countries air force chasing drones around, do we know Iran was holding back their more advanced stuff?

Well, they telegraphed it. Likely end up with zero casualties. And they’ve said they’re done, which seems really odd to do if you’re looking for a fight.

That may not get us to 100% certainty, but I’d say I’m at at least 90%.

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When your country is attacked the whole international prestige mechanic demands a response. Otherwise you’re in danger of losing stability which costs a lot of admin points to maintain. Somehow the axis of evil terror state of iran is the only adult country in the region.


Wouldn’t go that far lol, they’re funding pretty much all of the major groups causing instability. They just aren’t stupid enough to strike directly, or aren’t able to

The one casually I see so far (aside from anxiety or injuries getting into shelters) is a critically injured Bedouin child.

That’s probably rounds to zero in Netanyahu’s mind.


What a Paradox.

Now the entire country is in a bizarre euphoria that we are invincible. So stupid. Bibi must have the biggest erection ever. His media channels are making it out like he shut down each rocket himself.

The drone attack was mostly meant to tire out the air defense. They fired about 100 ballistic missiles (which take 12 minutes to reach Israel) around the time the drones were suppose to arrive. Or at least those are the reports, i didnt count.

I think everyone were surprised at how well the aerial defense worked as it was never tested at these conditions (its not iron dome). Judging by the talking heads on tv, we didnt think it would work this well either