2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Like just take this argument at its face. “Biden must support israel killing children so he can get reelected.”

Does that sound like a good situation to anyone here other than the obvious deplorables?

Nothing about the American political situation is good. Why does that matter? It is what it is.

A large portion of the American electorate has no regrets about the war on terror post 9-11; certainly not from the standpoint of compassion for innocents in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries. These people see Israel’s situation as analogous, and see Israel as a longstanding ally with shared Western/Judeo Christian values in a region dominated by Muslims who they don’t like.




Pentagon throwing a starfish back into the sea. “It mattered to that one”

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Which is a fine analogy except in this the guy is paying his buddy to pull the starfish out of the sea onto the sand in the first place.

If only there was a better way to get food into Gaza

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Good article that helps explain the whole settler thing. Basically the nutjobs are wielding outsize influence over the country. Sounds familiar.

Also for those who hate Genocide Joe, but also truly want the best for the Palestinians:

Amro said he doesn’t blame the settlers themselves so much as the political leaders who have allowed the settlements to flourish. He pointed to Netanyahu, who allied with Ben-Gvir and Smotrich, and to Donald Trump, who as president abandoned Washington’s long-held position that West Bank settlements violate international law. “Netanyahu made them mainstream,” Amro said. “The Trump administration made them mainstream.”

President Biden has since reversed the U.S. stance on West Bank settlements — and recently imposed sanctions on four Israeli settlers for carrying out violence against Palestinians. And Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken says Washington opposes the reoccupation of the Gaza Strip by Israel and any reduction of the Palestinian territory’s size.

Joel Carmel, a former Israeli soldier who is now a peace activist, said the future of Jewish settlements in Gaza may depend on who wins the U.S. election in November.

“Probably the only thing holding back the resettlement of Gaza is the Biden administration,” he said. “And who knows how long that’s going to last.”

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so, not supposed to be mad at biden anymore? but what is going to happen to all the genocide swag we bought?

Whatever Biden does in Gaza, I will be outraged that it is either too much or not enough.

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Doesn’t have to send $14.5 billion in military aid during the siege.

As with most things, Biden is bad, but Trump apparently would be much worse.

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21 years to the day since this rabid anti-semite was crushed by an IDF bulldozer

Imagine someone willing to be brutally killed like this simply for the cause of being against israel’s right to exist. smh.

Let me preface this by saying that I do not believe Biden is playing 11-dimensional chess on this issue.

I’ve been thinking about Schumer’s recent comments on Netanyahu. Do we think this comes out of the blue or is this the start of a coordinated campaign between the Biden administration and anti-Netanyahu groups in Israel to lay the groundwork for new elections to replace Netanyahu, or at least a trial balloon to gauge public response to the idea.

With reports that Israel and Hamas are engaged in serious ceasefire talks for the first time in months, it might be possible to paint Netanyahu as an obstacle who won’t negotiate in good faith if those talks fail and to use that failure as an argument that he needs to be replaced if there’s ever going to be a negotiated release of any hostages still alive.

So, I wonder, if one wanted to oust Netanyahu, is there a best time to do so if the biggest concern is maximizing the benefit for Biden’s re-election? (And, yes, I get that it looks potentially monstrous if the biggest concern is not saving Palestinian lives, but maybe in the long run, more lives are saved by preventing a second Trump presidency that cheerleads for a final solution to the problem of Gaza.)

You’re going to have Israeli sandboarding outside of Kushner’s Beachfront property on the strip by the time the election rolls around.

As if it wasn’t clear before


wtf there aren’t even close to 9,000 terrorists in the whole world by any normal definition of the word.

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Might have been more than 9k people there on 1/6

What if your definition of terrorist is “any person I think doesn’t deserve to exist”?


While there is a good amount of overlap between insurrectionists and terrorists, I think that the Venn diagram of the two does not have complete overlap.