2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

I’m curious what distinction you are making for those folks.

I feel like terrorists are out to kill civilians, whereas insurrections are targeting specific government officials and (a lot of the time) don’t desire to kill civilians as part of their strategy. Of course, there are plenty of exceptions. I’m sure there is a lot of overlap. Just not complete overlap.




Assuming this is accurate, JFC.

I’m sure the “silent majority” squad will be here any minute to tell us that this is good, actually.


Videos and photos verified by The New York Times suggest the convoy was hit multiple times. The imagery shows three destroyed white vehicles, with the northernmost and southernmost vehicles nearly a mile and a half apart.

“There was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people in the Gaza Strip,” Netanyahu said. “We will do everything so that this thing does not happen again.”

Yea they must have known it looked really bad

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How is it “unintentional”? They were aiming at somebody else but missed? They thought they were someone that they weren’t? They aimed and fired, didn’t they? How is that unintentional?

Wow we accidentally directly hit multiple targets all far apart so weird

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Good thread



This is seriously fucked.

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IDF soldiers training to be US cops.

“Sorry, in the midst of committing a genocide some of our commanders went rogue and killed innocent people”


Trying really hard to avoid the deaths of the innocent


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I don’t think they deliberately target civilians so much as they have a high tolerance for collateral damage. They’re not trying to avoid the deaths of innocents, but they’re also not maximizing the deaths of innocents.

I couldn’t help myself from going on the Israel subreddit, it’s mostly “well what can you do, war is hell”! With a shade of it’s too bad this happened, not bc it’s particularly bad, but it just looks bad for us, this is a win for Hamas.

The entire article is worth reading

As from the very beginning it’s been obvious from the israeli government and military’s words and actions they see every person in gaza as a terrorist to be eliminated - netanyahu half assedly bemoaning the death of the aid workers as a casualty of war while the majority of people killed thus far in the conflict have been children is just a cherry on top. meanwhile genocide joe and the democrats pretend do the absolute bare minimum to deliver humanitarian aid, the majority of which if it doesn’t get blown up immediately still doesn’t provide even a single order of magnitude what the area needs - while we’re also supplying the same weaponry that’s killing innocent people.

Then the people carrying water for this atrocity will either deflect with accusations of antisemitism or psychotically hand wave away the slaughter like we aren’t completely complicit. The usual suspects on this forum and others have gone hilariously quiet about it as it’s looked worse and worse, too, but whatever, it’s not even worth calling out the shitbags anymore. What can anyone do? 4 more years! The economy is good, actually!


And this was all obvious to anyone following this “conflict” before Oct. 7th. The only ones that couldn’t see it are a bunch of clueless drones that just want to talk about Trump.

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You all are being unfair. They are supporting Ukraine, they don’t have time to support stopping two genocides at one time.

The language is a bit strong for me to leave a like on the whole post, but big +1 on this paragraph. The stuff I’ve read in the last 6 months (mostly on 2p2, but a lot here too and even a bit on NMNM) has been truly hair-raising. It’s left a worse taste in my mouth than anything else I’ve read from centrists and rightwingers on 2+2/UP since I started reading politics in 2016.