2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza


Now starving people

Yeah, its not retaliation or prevention anymore. Its genocide

I didn’t realize all of the hostages had been safely returned.

How many Gazan children killed per hostage is OK? 100? 1000?


Fuck all the way off, Jesus Christ.


If I ever get kidnapped by Canadians or Belizians in a border dispute, please kill 0 children when trying to rescue me. Thanks!


What about unrelated killing of children?

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You sound mad, Bro.

Holocausts have a tendency to make people kinda upset yeah. I think I saw a movie about it.


Maybe I’m reading it wrong, but isn’t the complete destruction of Gaza, including the genocide stuff, what most Israelis (the ones living in Israel) want?

50-1 doesn’t seem to be a concern.

At least the ones currently in power, and it’s pretty popular overall.

Maybe the only thing that would actually stop Israel is military intervention against them.

If I were the US military, I’d at least have a contingency plan in a drawer somewhere for how to incapacitate the Iron Dome.

Surely, they’ve got this already.

With all of the billions we spend on the military, there should be enough for them to spend a few months gathering intel and planning this out. Just in case.

iron dome would be useless against american missiles wtf does that even mean.

sadly that’s exactly what people here think post oct 7th.

If the US stopped supporting Israel financially and militarily, they’d be utterly fucked. Pretty easy to stop the war if there was any will on the US side to actually do it, which, of course, there isn’t.

I think Israel can continue the war without US support. Without America as an ally, I think Israel drops all pretense of having humanitarian concerns and shifts towards attacking Gaza in a manner that maximizes casualties (which they are not currently doing).

If I wanted to sway Israel, I would threaten to give military aid to other countries in the region to take away Israel’s qualitative military edge.

So weird that people are mad.


Possibly, but how long will they hang on before they’re devoured by their neighbors in such a scenario? It’s an entirely theoretical discussion anyway, given US politics.