2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Is it because if all Jews move to Israel, then it just takes one nuke?

Iā€™m actually curious about how right wing anti semitic types have responded to a right wing nation state of Israel. I know thereā€™s been a provisional alliance between right wing types and Israelā€™s right wing government and local right wing governments to let governments do a tacit anti semitism as long as its aimed at left leaning Jews. I do wonder what happens when it runs to its logical conclusion and all left leaning Jews are pushed out of civic life? Does the the modern understanding of citizenship for right wingers allow for Jews, no matter their religiosity, to remain as citizens as long as they vote right wing?

I always assumed anti-semite, right wing movements from other countries supported right wing Israeli government because they would rather send all the Jews to Israel and get them out of their countries.

Exactly, and Israel always needs more people to replace the ones they are genociding so itā€™s a match made in heaven.





Some people canā€™t help themselves from giving knee jerk contrarian ideas way more weight and consideration than they deserve. Yglesias, for example, has done this many times.

This is what they actually believe tho.

I take them at their word.





ā€œThe editorial boardā€

Fucking cowards

nO diFFeREnCe



WSJ just blowing past any kind of decency


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From the beginning, Operation Iron Swords has been an all-out assault on a captive and overwhelmingly civilian population. Israeli tactics have little in common with standard counterinsurgency doctrine or rules of engagement. The war on Gaza is at its core retributive: an act of collective punishment. Like all punishment, to ask whether or not it ā€˜worksā€™ misses the point that punishment is often an end in itself. But the conduct of the war also has an orgiastic quality. The celebrations of the killing by Israelā€™s political leaders; the fantastic schemes for the removal of Palestinians to Sinai, or Europe, or Congo; the public figures signing bombs to be dropped on whatā€™s left of Gaza; the gleeful recordings made by individual soldiers ā€“ all combine malice and mirth.

Tom Stevenson Ā· Rubble from Bone: Israelā€™s War zero

Going to bet thereā€™s at least one song about sticking a boot up their ass


Iā€™ve honestly been curious to see what would happen if they rebuilt the Temple because I want to see how they restart animal sacrifices.



Those paramedics were obviously Hamas terrorists. And the six year old probably carried extra sharp pencils designed to slash the throats of IDF soldiers.