2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza


Gulags for them

Take your brain worm meds, kids:





Project, deflect, intimidate - at least these presidents saved some dignity by refusing to play along

Meanwhile, where the actual genocide is taking place:


is there some kind of context behind why biden and others keep saying that no Jewish person is safe anywhere in the world if there is no Israel?

what exactly is Israel existing doing to protect an American family of Jewish faith in New Jersey?

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James de Rothschild established Jewish colonies in what was then referred to as “the Holy Land.” Rothschild’s efforts were organized by the Jewish Colonization Society and were championed by the Lovers of Zion, a Ukrainian group that was organized in reaction to the Russian pogroms and was led by Leon Pinsker. Pinsker contended that the only way Jews could escape from the antisemitism bred by the virulent nationalism sweeping Europe was to establish a nation of their own elsewhere. In 1895, Viennese journalist Theodor Herzl turned a long appeal to the Rothschild family into a book, The Jewish State

One of the founding myths (or kind of truths) is that anti semitism is so universally endemic that only a Jewish state would be a true harbor of safety for the Jewish people. It’s a way to solidify the ideological bonds between European ( and American powers) and Israel through liberal guilt on the European side and nationalism on the Israeli side. Of course it makes the Europeans look bad if you think about it for a few minutes but but self flaggelation (we’re always capable of bigotry) and redemption (were trying to redeem ourselves through supporting a minority group) are flip sides of the liberal psyche coin.

I say liberal guilt because for religionous Christian conservatives the ideological bonding agent is Christian eschatology and the Israeli nodding along with it. “They’ll have their religion and we’ll have our state.” They don’t care so much about Jewish safety.


I thought I’d move this here from the GOP thread:

This was the Israeli communications minister today:

Throwing out the phrase “from the Jordan to the sea” while advertising that Israeli policy is now never to allow a Palestinian state in any form. The plan is therefore either genocide, ethnic cleansing or keeping Palestinians a stateless, captive people without any rights in perpetuity. Let’s all discuss how it’s bad when random college students say this too though.


I guess bonus points for stopping at the Jordan, but for how long.

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This has gotten a bit much even for the US’s traditional vassal states.


The funny (?) thing here is that Canada’s PM is going to get crucificed from both sides on this, the Free Palestine folks will say this was much too late which is unforgivable and the Pro Israel side will say that he’s being mean and they have no choice but to throw all their weight behind the conservative deplorable party (that, if anybody wants to bother checking, deals openly in anti-semetic conspiracy theories).

My sense is that the general public here don’t really give a shit, it’s the other side of the world, we (unlike the US) don’t bankroll Israel and there are hardly any Jews living here.

Well, at some level Canadians don’t give a shit either. Your median Canadian cares way more about domestic politics (heatlh care, housing) than what’s happening in Gaza. But to the extent that our handsome PM dude weighs in on this stuff, he can’t win.

If only there was a moral way to evaluate the decision


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When I’ve opened the comment section on these articles about Biden losing muslim voters, it’s all MAGA commentary saying that these people need to be removed from our country/sent to Gitmo.

This is tangentially related

