2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza


this is incorrect. according to Oslo, Israel is required to cooperate with PA on water resources.
there is language that some interpret as israel is not required to actually bring water to gaza, but they do.

electricity situation is different, in that israel energy corp supplies around half of the megawatts on average. there have been multiple disputes over PA/Gaza energy costs and payments, and power lines being damaged by hamas. israel had been pressured repeatedly to exclude energy from its blockade, but it goes back and forth.

Do you expect Israel to comply fully with Oslo and do you think Palestinians are happy with water status quo?

i don’t know what complying fully means. israel has done more than oslo required, and also violated other areas, for different political purposes. it’s a flawed document for several reasons, but i think palestians are better off that it’s still somehow holding in international law, or at least was on oct 6

is it?

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Oslo was supposed to be an interim agreement through 1999. It’s very easy to imagine Israel unilaterally deciding it no longer has to comply. That it hasn’t aligns with the view that the accords actually made it easier to take land for settlements.


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it is very easy to imagine neither hamas or likud are bound by an agreement they didn’t sign, but both will use whatever the text says to their advantage. neither fully complied before, nor will fully comply in the future. yes, oslo set a timeline when more agreements had to be signed, but neither intifada nor the deadline annulled it.

fwiw the statistics are not favorable, there were more average casualties since oslo accords, than in the period between camp david and oslo. so lowering the severity of the humanitarian crisis by negotiating in oslo, actually worsened the peace process. of course we’ll never know what if second intifada didn’t do its part

I would pretty much dedicate my (probably short) life to killing those responsible if this happened.


Killing is merciful. True revenge would be to force them to be a spectator to something that hurts them just as much.

I don’t think I’d be that sadistic, but really, who knows under those circumstances.

Seldowitz was acting director for the National Security Council South Asia Directorate under Obama and was deputy director/senior political officer in the U.S. State Department’s Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs from 1999 to 2003.


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Harvard Law Review pulls an article on fear of backlash or really because the powers that be didn’t want to run it. As an aside the Harvard Law Review ran an article last year saying that elections are optional according to the constitution and defended publishing it under academic freedom (they were right to do so).

A second editor who asked for anonymity to speak freely about the process said that fear of backlash played a key role in their personal decision to vote “no” on Eghbariah’s piece. The editor said they found “substantive flaws” in the piece that were exacerbated by a fear among editors that they would have their names and faces plastered on billboard trucks around campus accusing them of being Hamas supporters — something that happened to pro-Palestine Harvard students who signed a controversial open letter.

Editors expressed that they supported the piece and wanted to uplift marginalized voices,” the second editor said, “but were voting against publishing it because they were afraid of the consequences and had worked too hard to now risk their futures. Some also expressed concerns that the blowback to the piece would discriminatorily target editors of color more than others.”

Bullying works as the saying goes


Are monochromatic repetitive patterns anti semitic?


What about option 4? Munich-style precision assassinations of every member of Hamas with zero civilian casualties, Gaza elects the PLO, something something one state solution.

Elon Musk’s politics aren’t clear

That’s good. 2 more Hamas means the go-ahead to kill 20 more civilians
