2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza


Emily Hand was taken from Be’eri Kibbutz after her mother was murdered and the house she was staying at was burnt to the ground. She was kept hostage for 50 days alone.

“Lost and found”, by the Prime Minister of Ireland.


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Waaaaar is ooooooooover

j/k, it’s back on again.

But has either committed the crime of having pointy elbows?

Could have used dozens of sources for the extremeley important 7-year old piece on how the IDF Rabbi answered questions about the Torah, but i guess he’s getting paid by the click?

Editorially, MintPress News supports Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, and the governments of Russia, Iran, and Syria.

Described as a conspiratorial website,[7][8] MintPress News publishes disinformation and antisemitic conspiracy theories, according to researchers at Rutgers University and others.[9][10] MintPress News was a major media domain that spread disinformation about the White Helmets, a Syrian volunteer organization.[11] The site has been accused of regularly publishing pro-Russian propaganda.[10]


I didn’t even think to look them up on Wikipedia but a quick check of their political cartoons made this part obvious

This cartoon is kind of accurate if you replace the Ukraine flag with Confederate flag.

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Sure. We’ll instead just do nothing, including reducing our aid to Israel, when it inevitably happens.

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JFC - I saw that video and was wondering what happened to that guy. I heard he died, but he was clearly still alive in the immediate aftermath. They fucking let him bleed out.

??? please expound

Listened to a podcast with Peter Beinart and man it was pretty grim. Basically he said everything he’d been trying to work for is further and further away and really his only hope is to avoid the most bad situations namely Israel expelling the Palestinians.

In light of these considerations, many liberals have concluded that the Israeli government must (1) seek Hamas’s destruction (but in a careful, targeted way that evinces great concern for the lives of Palestinian civilians), (2) help the Palestinian Authority secure control of Gaza, (3) then halt settlement expansion and negotiate with the PA over a two-state solution.

This vision is logically coherent and morally defensible. It is also utterly detached from reality.

In truth, there is simply no way for Israel to disempower Hamas by force without killing an enormous number of Gazan civilians. The actually existing Israeli government, meanwhile, is not interested in either minimizing harm to innocent Gazans or facilitating a two-state solution.

Israel’s tolerance for civilian casualties when targeting high-ranking Hamas officials has been even more expansive. According to the officials who spoke with +972, the IDF “ knowingly approved the killing of hundreds of Palestinian civilians in an attempt to assassinate a single top Hamas military commander.”

Liberals can condemn Israel’s indiscriminate bombing while affirming support for its broader campaign. But the Netanyahu government has never cared what liberals think. The nature of the current Israeli government is not going to abruptly change. We are dealing with far-right entho-nationalists who are hell-bent on concealing their humiliating national security failures beneath a sea of Palestinian blood.

American liberals may hope that Hamas’s destruction will clear the way for the PA to govern Gaza, which will in turn make negotiations over a two-state solution possible. But the Israeli government has little interest in that outcome. Indeed, Netanyahu has promised that the Palestinian Authority will not be allowed to govern a postwar Gaza. According to a report in the Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom, Netanyahu’s preferred endgame involves “thinning the population of Gaza to the minimum possible,” by helping Gazans flee the war-torn strip by sea for other countries.

In truth, there is no ethically scrupulous war effort — conducted in the name of a two-state solution — for liberals to support. The only war on offer is one waged against both Hamas and Palestinian society in the name of Jewish supremacy from the river to the sea.



This stuff is kind of annoying because every one gets so much intelligence that with perfect foresight you’d know nearly everything going on, but you have to decide how much weight to give dozens and dozens of things that might not every happen. Sometimes you get it right, sometimes you get it wrong, but you didn’t know it a lot of the time.

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It’s almost like a monumental, state run, privacy violating, extrajudicial intelligence aparatus isn’t a great idea for a society.

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