2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

One could reasonably argue that nationalism is a bigger problem than religion.

I can tell you that the Czech Republic is mostly loaded with hardcore supporters of Israel.

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Israel=Bibi? He wanted Hamas in power as long as they played ball and only did an “accepted” escalation once every few years.

The whole security concept of Bibi is dividing the Palestinians

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What is with Czechia and the Israel support? Seems like the only European country with that type of excessive support

It’s obviously fact that you can rank all religions on a scale of evil then it must be true that one religion is more evil than another. So if you want to argue Islam is less violent or evil than other religions go ahead but it’s hardly bigotry to suggest such given the data.

It’s also not bigotry at all since as critics of religion have pointed point countless times, criticism of a persons terrible beliefs and ideas is not the same as criticism of their immutable traits.

Islam is a terrible idea. Muslims are not evil. There is an obvious difference. .

Dude what? And what data? Stop

Judging people based on their membership in a large and variable group instead of on their individual merits sounds like bigotry to me.

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That’s like saying judging republicans for being republicans is bigotry.

You are making the category error because it’s so deeply seated that religion deserves a special station among ideas.

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There are some pretty obvious differences that you seem to be willfully ignoring.

Hamas has not, but Arabs have in the Israeli War of Independence/Nakba.

For incentives :arrow_right: conditions, it takes a lot of time. If Palestinians got a state and fair treatment, they would be a lot less angry 30 years down the line. Unfortunately, a lot can happen during that time.

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Is the Westboro Baptist Church more evil than the Baháʼí?if so, my first proposition is objectively true so we can stop pretending it’s absurd.

That leaves you free to argue Islam is less violent and evil than other religions but we can stop pretending the question is somehow not valid.

Such as?

The differences only exist if you grant religion a special status among ideas.

I think it’s kind of a distraction to argue about whether the true source of evil is the religion or the nationalism or the racism or the fascism. What all those things have in common is that they are convenient short cuts around reason and morality that allow bad actors to justify their horrendous actions by believing or claiming that their horrendous actions are simply the natural conclusion of the natural order as set out by God or someone else.

You can end up with situations where a person will both justify genocide in the name of their religion (and genocide is bad) and another person will elsewhere say that their religion motivates them to donate to a Church run food bank (and helping the disadvantages is good). Why bother with the speculative calculus to determine if there are enough of the later to override the bad actions? Why not just say you oppose genocide and support charity?


When blaming race is a little too far go ahead and blame the culture.

There are obviously bad cultural ideas. Female circumcision immediately comes to mind.

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I don’t think this is an entirely apt comparison. However, I’m still willing to judge Republicans based on their actions rather than party identity. If you’re a registered Republican, but vote against Trump, vote to defend abortion rights, etc., that’s a far cry from what a lot of them are doing

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I already categorically said I don’t judge Muslims. I judge Islam.

I don’t judge homosexuals, I judge homosexuality.