2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

I’m ok with giving religion special status in a lot of situations. In a lot of places, a religion is so ominpresent that those people would consider it less optional than western libs consider gender.

That’s a really terrible analogy but you obviously know that. Weak troll attempt.

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I’m not trolling. I think you’re incredibly wrong on this point and I’m actually restraining myself from posting more aggressively towards you.

If your strongest counter is being gay is the same as being religious then go ahead. lol

You literally just posted being gay is a choice. Is it 1983?

Freedom of religion is and should be a more fundamental human right than freedom of speech.

If you think the average Muslim has a choice, lol.

That’s an argument as to why Islam is evil!

Excellent opportunity for an Evil Religions tier list!


I don’t think you’re gonna win over anyone here with the militant Islamophobia

My religion taxed me the tip of my penis.



/sarcasm. no i don’t want one.

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Religion isn’t really a choice. I’m atheist and I can’t choose to believe in a god, can you? As a child I believed because I was raised Catholic. My childhood Christianity wasn’t a choice, nor did I choose to become atheist.

As you know, most people remain in whichever religion they were born into. That’s not a choice, just the natural tendency and people didn’t choose their parents.


If religion isn’t a choice nothing is a choice. Im ok with that but you have to then say being a republican isn’t a choice. Heads are going to explode in this forum.


Yeah Clovis was way out of line when he said freedom of religion should not exist

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It’s just silly, and this is the worst possible time to demonize people. Muslims as a whole aren’t any better or worse than the rest of the world’s religions, they just get disproportionately represented by people who live in a part of the world that’s been assed up by colonialism and resource extraction.



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But Trolly, haven’t you considered that people confined to a shithole run by a dictatorship and who may not have known any other life nor have any hope of knowing anything else thanks to Israeli fiat might actually deserve to get genocided because not all of them have adopted atheism and personally overthrown Hamas?


This is very stupid post and you know it. I’ve posted with you tons. No idea why you would make this post . You don’t for a second believe I said anything remotely like this.

Holy shit, the worst senator in the country just gets worse and worse


You think Clovis believes this? Yikes